
Simultaneous Storytime 2022

Every class in our school took part in Simultaneous Story Time this week. Each year an Australian author is highlighted and schools, libraries, homes and children's facilities all over Australia (and beyond) read through the text on the same day! This year all students read Family Tree written by Josh Pyke and illustrated by Ronojoy Ghosh. Students enjoyed reading the book in their classes and then completing a range of activities based on the themes of love and family. Please see a small sample below! 


Premier's  Reading Challenge 

Just a reminder that the Premier's Reading Challenge continues until Book Week in September. Further information can be found here. 


For students taking part in this reading challenge there are actually some competitions that can be entered to win some great prizes. Primary and Secondary students can enter the Book Review Competition, while younger children can enter the Little Readers Photo Competition.  Please reach out if you would like assistance in entering either! 

Storyline Online: A Great Resource! 

In past editions of the Newsletter I have shared various tips about supporting reading and writing in the home, and I wanted to take the opportunity to pass on a valuable resource. 

Storytime Online is an excellent website that is often used by teachers to present reading to students in an engaging way. 

Actors and other celebrities read picture storybooks in a clear way, supported with visuals as well. This is a great website to lead discussions about books with children, including a book's themes and purpose. It can be used in conjunction with our home reading and library books. 


Tim O'Mahoney

English Leader