Mission News

Mr Luke McMahon



For those in our community who are unwell or suffering at this time.
May our loving God, with Mary and Champagnat, walk with all members of the Marist family. Amen


NAPLAN, ATAR and the Life of the World to Come

This week is NAPLAN testing for boys in Years 5, 7 and 9. Important data is derived from these standardised tests, information that can be used to assist boys’ future learning and a measurement of boys’ capability in the basics of literacy and numeracy. The performance of our boys will be logged on “tables” and published on government websites and in local newspapers. There is a lot of interest in measuring outcomes via these tests, and others like it. Governments and school authorities want to see improvement in student performance, in the hope that students will flourish academically, be afforded more options in life and make worthwhile contributions to the communities in which they live.


As a Catholic school Marist College is committed to the flourishing of our boys, and that of our staff and College families. Our belief is that such flourishing comes yes, from hard work, diligence, striving and sacrifice. These are values we aspire to live out in all the many challenges and activities we meet in ordinary school life. But, the core of human flourishing that ought to inspire us is the Christian vision of life; it is this vision, known and understood, explored and lived, that will ultimately make our lives rich and “valuable”.


And it is a deeply practical, grounded concept – our vision and identity are founded on a person, Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life. For we Catholics, life has meaning through Christ and so we aim at Marist to create a community in which the relationship of staff and students with Jesus Christ and with each other becomes richer and more satisfying. As a Catholic school we aim to encourage the unity of all the dimensions of what it means to be human, to enable the pursuit of truth in the spirit of love. Conveying the existence and importance of transcendent truth is chief amongst our aims as a Catholic institution. From it comes the sense of wonder and curiosity that invites engagement and problem-solving and wisdom. It is the “truth that will set us free”.


Marist College exists in the world and by its standards we do very well. But as a Catholic community we are animated by the gospel spirit of freedom and solidarity. Our graduates can make a difference in the world through learning a healthy scepticism of the merely human and through commitment to making a difference to the lives of others, especially through forming good relationships and building communities through Christ. It is very counter-cultural.


Our fervent prayer is that our boys do well in the test, yes and in the life to which Christ calls each and every disciple.


Mother Son Evening Eucharist

Thank you to all who attended the Mother Son Mass last Wednesday evening 4 May. 

Fr Tini led us in a wonderful Eucharistic celebration.

Year 12 Retreat Date Claimer 

Wednesday 13 – Friday 15 July, 2022 (Week 1 of Term 3)

Information about the Retreat will be sent to Year 12 parents and students via email during Term 2.



MenCONNECT is a local Catholic ministry of men whose goals are to connect with each other and to connect with God. It is aimed to bring men together, to renew their faith in God and to encourage them in their roles as husbands, fathers, brothers etc.


Next gathering will be held on 14 May at St Peter Chanel School (library room) 41 Chaprowe Road, The Gap with the Br Damien Price as guest speaker. The day starts with a cooked breakfast and concludes by 1:00pm. The cost is $20.00. For further information or to RSVP please contact Mike on 0459 992 228 or the Parish Office 07 3300 6099