
Engaging in positive mathematics talk at home with your child can help them to foster a motivated attitude towards maths, develop important skills, problem solving abilities and build confidence. Supportive, encouraging conversations about maths outside of the classroom are immediately beneficial to children and also enhance home and school partnerships and communication. 


Below are some conversation starters you may like to have with your child to support them in developing their mathematical thinking and skills.

  • Play a game. Notice and talk about strategies. Notice and talk about where maths is used.
  • List how you use mathematics on a typical day.
  • Name something you did today that did not involve maths.
  • What is one thing your child is good at? Identify the mathematics in that action/activity.
  • Ask your child to explain some maths they are doing at school and talk about the way that you did that same thing when you were at school.
  • Discuss what you do when you are faced with a challenging problem, what do you do to solve it?