Student Awards

Each fortnight, certificates are handed out to two students in each class. The awards are:


Certificate of Academic Excellence Award - This award is in recognition of student’s academic capabilities and achievements in English, Mathematics or Inquiry.




Citizen Award – This is in recognition of students demonstrating our school values of Respect,Responsibility,Being Safe and Being a learner.



PALily RhodesFor creating very detailed picture drafts for writing Ava Maddern
PBIndiana SimesFor taking pride in her work and always setting a high expectation Polly Mays
PCAmber LambertFor persisting when completing her sequencing events activity in Reading. Milla Arnup
1AThomas Livingston Completing his homework every night with lots of detail Jack Hutchison
1BMaddison PotterFor always following the school values and being a focused learner Hunter Villinger
1CRyder WassFor writing a creative narrative Sela McLeod
1DOliver Butler For taking on feedback to improve his narrative writing Eszter Imri
2ABailey JakovacFor displaying an ongoing hardworking attitude towards his learningSummer Eastman
2BMaple CallaghanFor working hard to learn all her spelling words Casey Lynikas Saunders
2CRyan HolstFor consistently reading every night and completing his spelling tasks with enthusiasmWren O’Connell
3AChase Morgan For his valuable contribution to group discussions  Annabel Thorn 
3BSpike Martin For his brilliant effort completing NAPLAN- writing  Amber Stevens 
3CMax Ladhar For trying his best to complete NAPLAN and showing persistence  Sophee Evans 
4AXavier JenkinsFor demonstrating persistence  to achieve your learning goals  Awesome effort!Elsie Stevens
4BSienna SimesFor working consistently in class and creating a detailed book report  Montana Long
4COakley Morgan For working really hard on his book report and taking pride in his writing Mila Sproal
5AAmelia GazzardFor using persistence to improve her writing and for not being afraid to ask for help  Chanel Morgan
5BZach LambertFor actively participating in mini-lessons and applying his knowledge of mental math strategies in subtraction Ava McClurkin
5CJax SkidmoreFor outstanding understanding of how Laws are made and passed through the government!Shelby Peperkamp
6AOliver HeathFor contributing his ideas and considering the thoughts and opinions of others Mitchell George
6BSophie Merrigan For demonstrating a never give up attitude whilst completing her SNMY Assessment  Cooper Foley
6CCailin GillardFor demonstrating her knowledge well in all class assessmentsJack Gibson