The Duke of Ed

It has been wonderful to see that so many of the Year 9 2022 students have joined the program at the Bronze Award level. We look forward to seeing the Skills they develop, how they challenge themselves in Physical Recreation and also how they give back to the community in the Service

See the new Award map  - a wonderful reference for everyone to keep track of their journey. 

Currently Killara High has 45 students working on their Silver Award. Many of these students have completed their Adventurous Journey and we look forward to reading their reports. Remember to keep logging your hours and that you must reflect on your goal. It would be wonderful to see the students complete their award by term 4. 


We are particularly proud of the 4 Gold Award students - Jana S (Yr 11), Chloe S (Yr 11), Eran L (Yr 12) and Arabella C (Yr12). 


If you need any more information please use the link below or email Mrs Downes.