Student Achievement Awards - 23/5/2022

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Zoe, this week you have worked so hard to have a growth mindset in Writing lessons. You showed resilience when writing your opinion of butterflies by talking positively to yourself and not giving up! Keep on shining!


Congratulations Ariya for your consistent efforts in producing work of a high standard in all areas of the curriculum. Ariya you should be very proud of your published writing on 'Snow Leopards', it was phenomenal.


Fantastic work Amberley on using your Writing goal this week! You stretched out unknown words and tried your very best at using your sounds. You wrote your opinion on why you love butterflies using fantastic reasons!. Keep up the brilliant work.


Congratulation Kayla for your fabulous learning this week! You worked hard on your persuasive writing piece and you tackled all the learning tasks with enthusiasm. Amazing effort!


Oliver, your writing about wanting a crocodile for a pet was amazing. You worked so hard to write neatly and within the lines that it was easy to read. Congratulations on an excellent piece of writing with many reasons why you wanted a crocodile. Keep up the great work.


Indiana, you have worked really hard this week on your drafting, revising and editing of your persuasive writing about getting a pet. You re-read your work and upleveled it by adding more persuasive openers and the connective 'because'. Great effort!


Congratulations Elijah for demonstrating excellent focus during our Writing lessons this week. You published a very neat and convincing text with your opinion and three strong reasons for why you should get a police dog. Keep up the wonderful work!


Congratulations Zoe on having a positive growth mindset when attempting all maths task this week. You are trying very hard to improve your ability to learn your times tables. Well done.


Lincoln, you have worked so hard during the writing process this term to publish your persuasive piece on Climate Change. You included many high modality words and emotive language to convince us all to act now to save our precious Earth. Amazing effort!


Congratulations Toby for the tremendous effort you have made towards improving your handwriting and for the convincing argument you have demonstrated in your persuasive writing piece on CO2 Eggnitions! Keep shining Toby!


Well done Caue! You have demonstrated great resilience throughout Naplan and you complete each and every learning task with a focused attitude. It has also been amazing to see your caring nature during our buddies sessions. Keep up the terrific work!


Congratulations to Erin for demonstrating excellent leadership skills while working with her Foundation buddy. She uses a gentle and encouraging manner to keep her buddy focused on the task at hand. In our classroom Erin is always willing to support and assist her classmates with their learning. Great work Erin!


Congratulations Surjo for demonstrating fantastic diligence and determination this week. It has been a pleasure to see you complete your persuasive writing to such a high standard. You are a Super Star.


Congratulations Meesha on stepping out of your comfort zone this week! Excellent effort with your Oral Presentation on Adelaide, it was great seeing you being so prepared with your cue cards and being able to speak in front of an audience.