Parent's Association

Happy Winter everyone! While we still have three more weeks to go before the school holidays, let me update you on what we have done in this busy term!


Your children may have brought home a lovely gift for their mothers/grandmothers on Mother’s Day in May.  We had a wonderful team of parents who helped the school to pack and wrap those beautiful gifts. Also our school arranged the Mother’s Day Shopping Stall for our students to purchase the gift, again we had an awesome parent group to organise the gifts and manage the kids to shop. We all had fun together on the day :) Thank you parents for volunteering. 

Did you come back to school on Election Day and check out our beautiful cakes?  Thanks to all families who contributed such yummy cakes and cookies, it is one of the important fundraising events for our school. Thanks to all parents who helped on the day to make sausages and to help at the  Cake Stall. Behind the scenes, a group of parents also came together to prepare for the day, to organise, pack and price all the cakes. It was cold that day, but it was fantastic! Thank you everyone. 

Want to join the PA Volunteer Workforce? Simply register here and we will keep you up to date: 


The virtual PA Meetup is coming up on the 15th June at 6:30pm. If you would like to join the meeting, please send us an email for the meeting information:


PA Footy Tipping

After Round 11 Matt C is tipping really well and is at the top of the leaderboard, leading by 4.  The weekly jackpot is still up for grabs.


For anyone that hasn't paid please forward $25 to the office or contact the office to pay by EFT.