Upcoming Events

School Production
After two disappointing years of COVID-enforced cancellations we are thrilled to finally be performing a school musical again!
Based on Studs Terkel's best-selling book of interviews with American workers, Working paints a vivid portrait of the workers that the world so often takes for granted: the schoolteacher, the phone operator, the waitress, the housewife and many more. The show explores the hopes, dreams, joys and concerns of the working class by offering a space in which their stories can be told.
Our production will combine stories from the original script with new stories taken from interviews with workers in our local community.
Tickets will be available soon, but in the meantime you can save the dates:
Thursday 4th August, Friday 5th August and Saturday 6th August at 7pm
We are so excited to perform in front of an audience again and we look forward to seeing you there!
Ms Helena Hall
SCHS Greece - Italy Trip 2023!
Following a highly successful school tour of Greece and Italy in 2018 with 40 enthusiastic students from all year levels, the Suzanne Cory High School Greece and Italy Tour is back for 2023! This is a two week trip leaving in the final week of Term 3 and returning during the second week of the September holidays (September 13 - 28, 2023). The trip is designed around the school’s Ancient History and Latin curriculums but open to all students at all year levels. Students learn about different cultures and peoples as well as acquiring valuable skills in international travelling, communicating and resilience.
We will be visiting wonderful ancient and Renaissance cities and sites including: Athens and its Acropolis, Napflio, Nafpaktos on the Gulf of Corinth, Delphi, Olympia, the intact ancient theatre at Epidaurus, Mycenae, Pompeii, Naples, Rome, Vatican City, Siena, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Lucca, Florence and Venice. Transport will be by a combination of plane, bus, train (including crossing the Venetian lagoon by train) and Venetian water bus vaporettos! As well as sightseeing, climbing castles and souvenir shopping, there will be opportunities for swimming, an Italian cooking class and the second edition of the SCHS student race in the ancient Olympic Stadium! Students will be accompanied at all times by SCHS staff and a local Tour Director from the travel agency.
There will be an Information Night with the travel agent and trip organiser for parents and students in Term 3 and the opportunity to sign up to join the trip shortly afterwards. Deposits will be due toward the end of this year and payment of the balance in instalments across the first part of next year. The final cost will depend on the number of students attending. In the meantime, please feel free to contact Ms Fenby with any questions.
Ms Raquel Fenby
VCE Ancient History teacher