Citizenship at SCHS

Hello Suzanne Cory!!
This term has been amazing with student participation, filled with events and improvements in the school atmosphere. We started off this term with Relay for Life, where we were able to recognise and celebrate local cancer survivors, those going through a cancer experience and their carers, to honour and remember loved ones lost and to raise money to help save more lives. Alongside our other teams, we were able to raise $72,646 ($2,010 as a school). It was amazing to see all the teachers and students who participated in the event, and being able to bring back this tradition after 2 years of lockdowns.
Reconciliation Week allowed everyone to learn and reflect on the Indigenous ownership of this land and the history behind the traditional owners, with everyone learning about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. The theme of this year was to “Be Brave. Make Change.”, and here at SCHS we did this by actively engaging in learning about the history of the Indigenous communities and getting educated on the relationships and values important in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people's histories, cultures and futures. In respect and celebration of the significant milestone of the 1967 referendum and the High Court Mabo decision, students wrote messages of reconciliation towards the First Nations people on a cut out of their hands, which were placed all throughout the school.
Finally, we will end the term with cultural dress day, so make sure to dress up in your cultural clothes on the 24th of June and bring a gold coin!! Cultural dress day is a nice way to celebrate our diverse student body’s various backgrounds during LOTE week, and it’s always nice to see everyone dress up so nicely and celebrate their roots, while simultaneously raising money for a good cause.
Jennie Kong (K4) and Shakya Abeysinghe (K2)
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