Key Dates Term 3

Term 3 Commences
| Monday 11th July
Maths Week
|Monday 18th July
Watch out in your Compass News Feed for a range of fun activities run by the Maths Faculty.
Subject Expo
|Wednesday 20th July
Year 10 Course Counselling Day
|Tuesday 26th July
Subject Selections Due
|Friday 29th July
Musical Week
|Monday 1st August
Watch out in your Compass News Feed for a range of fun activities run by Music / ADT Faculty.
School Production - Working
| Thursday 4th, Friday 5th & Saturday 6th August
Tickets go on sale soon. Keep and eye on Compass and our social media for booking information.
Parent Teacher Conferences
|Tuesday 9th August
Ensure to book your conferences on Compass once they are opened.
Science Week
|Monday 15th August
Watch out in your Compass News Feed for a range of fun activities run by the Science Faculty.
Book Week
|Monday 22nd August
|Monday 5th September
GAT / Curriculum Day
|Wednesday 7th September
Students studying a Unit 3&4 VCE subject will be required to the GAT exam. All other students will have a curriculum day and not be required at school.
Whole School Exams
|Friday 9th to Friday 16th September
Classes will not run during the examination period. Students are not required at school before or after their exams or on days where they have no scheduled exam.