Principal Introduction

Dear Students, Parents and Carers,


The College has been very busy term two with a number of events and extra curricula activities taking place.


Early in May the College held its annual Athletics day. It was great to see students dressed in their sub school colours, participating and encouraging each other on the day. The traditional track and field events saw many students involved. The novelty events also drew a large crowd and was well received. A big thank you to Mr. Bihelek, Mr. Lewis, Ms.Taggart and Ms Hoy for their organisation and running of the activities.


Free Dress Day – I hear you say. For many students in Senior School this was the first free dress day as a Secondary student. A shout out to the Year 7 THRIVE Aspirant Leaders class who made this event happen and to Ms. Brennan for her ongoing support and guidance leading up to it. The money raised, a gold coin donation, was $1300 and went to the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal.


The Year 9 cohort have undertaken their first Winter Break Day, last Thursday with a half day at Keysborough Bounce and Chadstone. It was a great opportunity for staff and students to interact outside the school setting. Feedback across the board indicates a fantastic day was had. Students were amazing at both venues with community members taking the time to let EMC staff know how respectful and well-presented students were. Stay tuned for Winter Break Day 2 coming in three weeks’ time.


Red Shield Appeal – This took place on Saturday 28th May. We had 43 students, 6 parents, 6 staff (Ms Howell, Ms Wade, Ms Grinsted, Ms Spence & Mr Ferra) helping to raise a total of $1611.50Bindana had the highest number of participants, being 17. Other events ran at the College raised further funds for the Salvation Army. In addition, Ms Wade’s VCAL group also delivered homeless education sessions for Year 7 and 8 students.


Upcoming dates to be aware of on the calendar are: The staff professional practice day which is scheduled for Friday 10th June, just prior to the Queen’s birthday weekend (students are not required at school that day). Following the long weekend, Tuesday 14th June is a curriculum day, with students also not required on the day. Students begin Semester 2 on Wednesday 15th June. 


Course counselling for Year 10 into 11 took place on Wed 25th and Thurs 26th May, either face to face or remote. If your child was absent and is yet to complete their subject selections for 2023 please contact Careers ASAP.


Currently students in Year 10 and 11 are undertaking exams for the next two weeks. Exam timetables were emailed out via Compass. If you have any queries or questions please email the Senior School Leaders.


It has been a great term thus far with staff and students all enjoying being onsite.


Kind regards,


Jo Lackman

Assistant Principal