Learning Updates

- School of Innovation

Market Day preparations well under way

Excitement is building among the Year 9 students as their Market Day is to be held at the college on Tuesday, June 14. Market Day is a celebration of the learning achieved by the Year 9 students during their Term 2 inquiry, which investigated Economics and Careers curriculum. 


During the inquiry, Year 9 students were challenged to start up a small business, spending a maximum of $40 on initial costs. Students now have the opportunity to sell their product or service to other students and staff on Market Day.


All college students will have the opportunity to make purchases on Market Day. They will need to bring cash on the day. Items, food, drinks, music, games and prizes range from $1 up to $10. On Market Day, School of Wonder children will be supported by the Year 9 students. Money will be exchanged for tokens. Tokens are 50 cents and the advertising on the day will list the number of tokens, as well as the price in dollars. 


Proceeds from the market will be used to purchase something for the college that all students will benefit from. On Market Day students will be allowed to be out of uniform for a gold coin donation. These funds will be donated to the Cancer Council. 


Year 9 students have created advertising for their product or service in the lead-up to Market Day. They are excited about celebrating their learning with the St Anne’s College community and we’re sure it will be an enjoyable day for everyone!



It's been a busy term for Year 8 students

Hasn't Term 2 just flown by? The Year 8s have been very busy this term experiencing their learning in a variety of ways, furthering their understanding of the provocation ,'Structures meet the needs of their occupants'. In Week 3, students spent time out in the community attending the Melbourne Museum and completing a very misty hike up Mount Major. Students have also been busy developing practical design skills within their Maths unit of Measurement and through their Tech Selection classes. The Year 8 Learning Mentors look forward to seeing these skills applied in their Tiny House Proposal and Design Assessment in the upcoming weeks. 


 - Olivia Sorbello, Year 8 Pedagogy Leader, School of Innovation

Commitment made to care for our earth

A group of St Anne's College students, accompanied by Learning Mentors Marian Segrave and Stephen Kealy, travelled to Nathalia during Laudato Si' Week on Monday, May 23, to celebrate the commitment of Sandhurst Schools and Parishes to Catholic Earthcare and to the Laudato Si' Action Planner.

You can find out more about how Pope Francis' Laudato Si' encyclical is being brought to life here: https://www.vaticannews.va/.../laudato-si-week-global...

A sweet way to study Science

In Term 2, Year 9 students have elected to study  Atoms and Chemistry, Earth and Space or Brain and Nerves for Science. In Brain and Nerves, students have been learning about the function and structure of neurons in our body as well as components of the nervous system. Soon we'll be learning the structure and function of the brain! These topics are a great pathway into VCE Psychology. One task students completed was creating a neuron out of lollies. They were required to construct and label the dendrites, cell body, nucleus, axon, axon terminals, myelin sheath and synapse. I believe the most popular part of this activity was getting to eat the lollies afterwards!


-  Millie Nye, School of Innovation Learning Mentor

Lara Stevens, Koorie Education Worker Tina Thompson and Jayda Kennedy give an emotional thanks to Yorta Yorta elder Aunty Faye Lynam for sharing her story.
Lara Stevens, Koorie Education Worker Tina Thompson and Jayda Kennedy give an emotional thanks to Yorta Yorta elder Aunty Faye Lynam for sharing her story.

Please go to the Learning Updates - School of Possibilities page for coverage of Yorta Yorta elder, Aunty Faye Lynam's visit to St Anne's College during Reconciliation Week to speak to Years 9 and 10 students about her harrowing experience as a member of the Stolen Generations.