From the Principal

Mr Warwick Price

Bandicoots the Musical was a shining light in the return to normal face to face learning at the end of last term. The production, written, produced and directed by Mr Hayes, with an incredible amount of support from Mr. Ben Hunter, was something to behold. Our students loved every minute of the opportunity to be involved in a team-oriented activity that showcased their many talents including singing, acting and all the backstage organisation required for such an event. The live music was astonishing given each musical item was also written by Mr. Hayes and will have taken many hours of rehearsal to achieve. The nights were well supported, and the Gym looked amazing taking on a life of its own. There are many people to thank when something like a musical is delivered but in particular, I would like to acknowledge Mr. Hayes, Mr. Hunter, Mr Kennett and Eliza Schultz, and of course all of the students who were part of the success. Planning is already underway for another performing arts production next year, maybe a play this time to engage those less confident to sing in public. 


We would also like to congratulate the Year 12 students on the completion of their studies through very trying times and to wish them every success for their future employment, continued education or a combination of both. The students have embraced the opportunities this year to be at school in a face-to-face learning environment. They have been creative with their casual dress days with the most recent being an “anything but your bag day” that even saw a trolley being pushed around the school. The students have been role models throughout the year making great choices and supporting younger students to make positive choices. The exam period will be a challenging time but we encourage students to continue to access the school to use the staffing support available. Their last formal day is on Friday this week and there will be a breakfast, followed by a formal assembly before they board a bus with some staff on a last trip together to Melbourne to Luna Park and beyond. We hope it is a memorable experience that stays with them for years to come. 


Students have been working very hard in class to complete learning tasks in preparation for end of year exams, so they are eligible for progress to the next year level. There will be letters sent home to acknowledge those students who have performed exceptionally well this year. Letters will also be sent home to students who are at risk of non-progression in 2023, and there will be an opportunity for you to discuss the options available with the school. 


Last term we had some amazing excursions and camps including the snow trip where students were certainly taken outside of their comfort zone to try a new challenge (staying upright on a set of skis or board whilst sliding downhill on snow). The weather was amazing, and the students were even better. Students have also attended outdoor education camps to partake in canoeing and surfing, and prepare and cook their own food. We have had many other students participate in a range of regional sporting activities and represent the school with pride and skill. 


We also this term have welcomed back our students from their student leadership camp during term 3. They have many plans in place for their community project and are still beaming when describing the opportunities afforded to them during their camp activities and have made lifelong friends. 


Luckily, we have not had any major impact at this time due to the flooding that has affected many of the communities in the North and North East of the state. It is certainly yet another reminder of how lucky we are here in Hamilton and how important it is to make the most of each day.