Student Representative Council (JSRC)

Tess & Evan, Year 1 JSRC leaders

From Jane, Year 6 teacher

Student leaders

This year we had more interest than ever before in students wanting to be our 2021 Junior Student Representative Council (JSRC) for Semester One. 


As a result, all year levels took this opportunity to represent their peers very seriously. There were speeches, presentations, and voting to ensure two students per Grade were nominated fairly. We congratulate all students that had a go,  gave it their best, and put something together. What amazing growth mindsets you all displayed! 


We would like to congratulate the students below who excitedly received their badges at assembly. 



Student Voice

We are now ready to begin setting up our 'Student Voice' Junior Representative Council (JSRC) for 2021. Their responsibilities will include; 

  • Attending meetings with our School Leaders,
  • collecting, and bringing student ideas from their Year Level,
  • delivering information to each class based on our meetings,
  • participating in student action initiatives,
  • reflecting our school values and appropriate classroom behaviour.





Last Tuesday, the students were called to a special meeting with Sarah, our School Leaders, and special guest Paul to get their opinions on a school improvement project. The representatives from Year 1-6 eagerly brainstormed ideas and enjoyed the opportunity to share their 'voice' on behalf of their peers.