Enrolment for 2022

From Kate, Enrolment staff member


Do you have a child ready to start school in 2022?

It’s that time again when we ask families with children ready to begin primary school next year to start thinking about enrolment.  For a child to commence Preps in 2022 they will need to have turned five by 30th April 2022.  We will be accepting enrolments from the beginning of May and would really appreciate the early submission of enrolment forms to help with our 2022 planning.


If you already have a child at NMPS who will be continuing with us next year, any sibling who lives at the same permanent address is can be enrolled at NMPS, regardless of whether or not the family is still living in our area.  For all other new enrolments, you will need to confirm that the student’s permanent address is within our designated neighbourhood area.  This can be checked at www.findmyschool.vic.gov.au and on our website at: https://www.northmelbourneps.vic.edu.au/about/what-do-i-need-to-do-to-enrol-my-child/


School Tours:

We are pleased to advise that this year we can resume our school tours which are led by our wonderful Year 6 students.  These will be held at 9.15 am on the following dates:

  • Friday 14 May
  • Friday 28 May
  • Wednesday 9 June
  • Monday 21 June
  • Friday 23 July
  • Wednesday 4 August

You will need to register your attendance for a school tour, which runs for approximately 40 minutes; to do so please e-mail kathleen.doyle@education.vic.gov.au noting your preferred date.  Due to on-going health protocols, we will require attendees to sign in and maintain safe social distancing.


Enrolment Process

From Term Two, 2022 enrolment packs will be available from NMPS reception or they can be downloaded from https://www.northmelbourneps.vic.edu.au/about/what-do-i-need-to-do-to-enrol-my-child/


Once the Enrolment Application is filled in and all necessary documents obtained, the completed forms can be e-mailed to north.melbourne.ps@eduation.vic.gov.au, or posted or delivered to:

North Melbourne Primary School

210 Errol Street

North Melbourne Vic. 3051


Enrolments for 2022 will be accepted from 3rd May 2021.  Please have forms submitted by 31st August 2021.  Families will be advised from the end of October 2021 on the status of their enrolment application and the transition program outlined for our new 2022 students.