Student & School Community Achievements

Cross Country Carnival

Principals Address

We are almost half way through another term of learning. It has been wonderful to welcome parents back into the school with our first P&C fundraiser and our Iftar dinner last week. I have enjoyed meeting many of you face-to-face for the first time. Please see below for an update:


COVID regulations

As regulations continue to return to lower levels, we do kindly request that students remain home if unwell. The Department of Education still requires students who have any cold or flu symptoms to present a negative COVID test or a doctor's certificate clearing them to return to school. We appreciate your continued cooperation with this as we move into the winter months.



The school musical will be open for parents and the community to attend in person. There will be two evening performances on Thursday 3 June and Friday 4 June. There is an audience limit of 140 people each night according to current COVID guidelines. We do request that members of our community not related to performers/crew allow a window until the end of this week for families of students involved in the production to purchase their tickets as a priority.


P&C Meeting

Gym Equipment Donation from P&C
Gym Equipment Donation from P&C

I would like to thank our P&C for their tireless fundraising and grant writing efforts. We are well on our way to some new STEM equipment for the school. I also thank them for their kind donation of equipment around the school. Our students are busy using the new machinery and weights in the gym, the new oven will be delivered soon along with the outdoor table tennis tables. Our students are also busy planning their native ingredient kitchen garden and we expect to have that ready for use very soon. 

Our next P&C meeting is on this week. Please join us in Cantabrian Hall at 7pm on Wednesday 19 May.


Performing Arts Studio Upgrade

We are very excited to move into the planning phase of this upgrade to our facilities. The project management team have visited and are drawing up the plans for the extension to the cottage at the back of the school (near the carpark). This will be a much needed space for our drama and dance students, provide lecture and performance space for all faculties and become a great space for community use. I will update you further when our plans are finalised and a timeline for construction has been set.


Sporting Achievement

Last week we held an assembly to acknowledge the outstanding achievement of students in the sporting arena. Our swimmers, football and basketball teams were acknowledged as well as those who have gone to representational level at Zone. Region and State. We encourage all the students to get active and are pleased to offer a range of sports each Wednesday in which student participation levels are high. All of our students 7-10 are also signed up for the Premier's Sporting Challenge and I look forward to seeing the activity they have logged at the end of the term. Statistically, girls have lower rates of participation in sports during their teenage years, we are working hard to reverse that trend.


Belinda Conway


ANZAC Dawn Service

Congratulations to Hailie Brown and Kico Imai-Arnold from Year 12 Prefects for their participation in the local Anzac commemoration dawn service at CHPRSL. Hailie read the Ode of Remembrance and Kico announced the wreath layers.  Thank you to Ms La Grassa for supporting the student representation at the dawn service.


Thank you from CHPRSL:

"On behalf of all members of the CHPRSL Sub Branch, a big thank you to all those students that made themselves available at such an early time of the morning that ultimately made the Dawn Service such a success.  

I can speak on behalf of all Veterans in attendance when I say that all the students maintained the respect that this day demands and means so much to us.

Your personal involvement in guiding your students showed on the day and the commitment from your students needs to be commended as they were a fitting ambassador for their school.

It would be amiss of me not to mention the parents that were required to have their child in attendance at such an hour.  We thank them very much."​

Cross Country Carnival

The CGHS Cross Country Carnival was held on Wednesday 21st April at Peace Park. The weather set the scene for ideal cross country conditions. Senior students ran 6.5 laps of the hilly course - Juniors ran 5 laps. We had a great level of participation this year from serious competitors and students having a go, so well done everyone for your  motivation and effort.

Congratulations to Brisbane, the winning house. Canberra came 2nd, Darwin 3rd & Adelaide 4th.


Age Champions were:

12yrs - Ruby Carter

13 yrs - Madeleine Albany

14yrs - Emma Mitsak

15 yrs - Laura Metry

16 yrs - Olive O'Grady

17+ yrs - Kico Imai-Arnold

Zone Cross Country Carnival

Congratulations to all the students who participated in the St George Zone Cross Country on Tuesday 5 May at Scarborough Park, Ramsgate. Canterbury Girls came second after St George Girls and we had 43 students complete in authentic cross country conditions in the rain; 


16 yrs

Olive O'Grady, Sally-Ann Bird, Mae Mitsak, Sophie Lobsey, Elizabeth Christoforidis, Anastasia Angelakos, Georgie Tosswill


15 yrs

Laura Metry, Sophie Mitchell, Poppy Procter, Mariana Cortes Da Conceicao Guerreiro, Gemma Harris, Calantha Hopwood-Craig, Dana Xie, Salsabila Mohd Noor Fahmy


14 yrs

Emma Mitsak, Eshana Singh, Rose Smith

Amelie Rimondi, Ruby Duggan, Rachel Giang, Georgie Bird, Annabel Andrews, Ava Fazio


13 yrs

Madeleine Albany, Stella Watmore, Audrey Miller-Smith, Charlotte Earp, Georgia Scrivener, Ava Meijer, Ella Kinslor, Safiyah Fahridin, Stefanie Meissel


12 yrs

Ruby Carter, Poppy Brown, Alina Ciechanowicz, Maya Moore, Zoe Taylor, Eleanor Langeluddecke, Eva Bakr, Margaret Wang, Linh Cao, Abigail Smyth​


Thirteen students have made it through to the Sydney East Secondary Cross Country Carnival at Miranda Park on 11 June, with 8 reserves - an excellent result! Places from zone follow:









5MarianaCortes Da Conceicao Guerreiro



Special thanks to Ms Dunn for superior recording on the day, and to the parents & carers in attendance who gave a helping hand.

Athletics Carnival

The school Athletics carnival, rescheduled due to wet weather, was eventually held on Tuesday 11th May at Campbell Oval. The sunny day and "decades" theme provided a fun atmosphere for the many students who competed across a variety of track and field events. There were many talented runners, jumpers and throwers that displayed their excellent abilities on the day. The staff sprint was highly contested and drew a large crowd, Mr Nolan was the winner for this year. 

The wining house was Brisbane led by house patron Mr Trinh and house captains Emily Giang and Laura Metry. 

Age champions were: 

17 Yrs Peta Soilemezis

16 Yrs Olive O'Grady

15 Yrs Laura Metry

14 Yrs Audrey Attkins​

13 Yrs Stella Watmore

12 Yrs Sarah Pedroza 


Students who came first and second overall in their events qualified to represent the school at 

the zone Athletics carnival which will be held on June 17th at Barden Ridge Athletics track.

The Year 12 students/ school prefects and Year advisers had great fun while doing a magnificent job of running the food and drinks stall at the Athletics Carnival.

Ramadan Iftar Dinner

The 2021 Prefects hosted their first community event to celebrate Ramadan with an Iftar dinner in Week 4. There were over 100 guests who attended to share a meal together and this was the first event this year where parents were able to attend. The event was a success and those in the wider school community enjoyed the chance to meet new families. For many this was the first Iftar dinner they had attended and were grateful for the experience. A special thank you goes to all the staff and the Prefects for the organisation of the event. 


Congratulations and Thank you

  • Year 9 students Edie Crawcour-Smith and Ruby Duggan for participating in the Drama Company performances and filming at NIDA. The show was a huge undertaking that comprised over 80 hours of rehearsal, 8 performances and several Sundays and a week off school to showcase students in partnership with NIDA to reach the level of excellence achieved. This is the equivalent of representing the state in sport or another event such as public speaking as Edie and Ruby are recognised as exceptional students in the performing arts.
  • Year 11 student Rory Cotsios who was successful in her application for the National Art School holiday extension program in painting.
Year 10 Drama
Year 10 Drama
  • Year 10 Drama Congratulate fellow class member Charlotte Richards on her success in being awarded a NIDA Student Scholarship. Charlotte’s passion and skills have been recognised and she will spend time working with NIDA through Terms two and three with a broad range of fellow actors, to further expand her skills and range of experience.
  • Year 12 student Buia David has been selected for the 2021 Aboriginal Dance Company and will be participating in rehearsals for the making of a film for the 2021 State Dance Festival.