Visual Arts

Kerry Eeckman
Visual Arts Teacher
I have two Art Competitions that your child(ren) might like to enter over the coming weeks.
1. Zart Student Art Prize
Entry is free and open to all students across Australia. Visit for more information about how to enter and view terms and conditions. Cash prizes offered. See attached image.
2. Anzac Day/Remembrance Day Art Competition (Kingswood PS only)
All students are welcome to enter this competition to come up with a design to replace one of the huge images that are on the front of the hall.
1. Must be submitted on an A4 portrait piece of paper
2. Try to include mostly images about the men/women/animals
3. Colour appropriately, see attached images
4. The due date for both competitions is Monday 19th July. Winning entries may be combined to create one awesome design to be painted by the students and credit given to the designers. Good luck!!
PS. Some generous parent is saving empty food boxes and leaving them in the art room. As much as this is a kind gesture, I don't really need them, thank you.