
Aaron Cox
Canberra Camp - "We are here for the students" & "Thrive in a team culture"
The Year 6 students had an exciting inaugural trip to Canberra. Many significant locations were visited by the students including Parliament House, the Australian War Memorial and the Australian Institute of Sport. Our students represented Kingswood Primary School in a fashion that should be commended by all and was a testament to how they have been raised.
School Start time 8.45 am - We are here for the students & Thrive in team culture
Just another gentle reminder to parents that no student, unless accompanied by an adult, should be on site before 8.45 am. All children arriving by themselves will be directed to the office for parents to be called. If you require the use of our Out of Hours School Care program please contact Camp Australia to make a booking. This service is provided to support families.
Lost property - "We are here for the students"
There are many lost items in the foyer area in the Cosentino hall, including a lot of jackets. We are heading into winter and children should be in more than shorts and shirts.
All unnamed lost property items will be removed from this area by the end of term 2 and unclaimed items will either be donated to the second-hand uniform shop or disposed of.
We are hoping to reduce the large number of items being held in the lost property area and encourage students to regularly check this area for missing items.
Please ensure all uniform items are clearly labelled with your child's name.
NAPLAN Testing - "A Place to shine"
Children have now completed their Year 3 and 5 NAPLAN tests. Well done to everyone involved.
We all know that our students can’t be summarised in a few days of testing. They are greater than that with passions, and interests that need to be fostered beyond sit down tests.
Flu 2021 and Covid-19 - "Connected to the community"
I am hearing that this year there is a nasty illness with flu and covid like symptoms that is impacting schools. Any child presenting at school with any covid symptoms will be removed from class unless there is a known documented medical condition. Please keep all sick children at home. If something sweeps through the school it will have an impact on everyone's ability to learn.