Leadership & Management

Management encompasses the following areas: Organisation, Structures, Resource Management, Staff Wellbeing, and Professional Learning.

Week 1 Term 2 


Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome back to Term Two. I hope you had some quality time with your family and friends, and had a chance to recharge your mind and body ready for another great term of learning. 


The first week of the holidays, the Christian faith celebrated Easter. Easter celebrates the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. It is through the life, death and resurrection that believers are given the hope of life after death, eternal life. The resurrection of Jesus provides hope for all believers that life as we know it will be changed, not ended, when we die.  As a faith and learning community, we will continue to explore the stories that recall the final days of Jesus’ earthly life. 


Year Five/Six Camp Information Night - Tuesday April 20th

Tomorrow night there will be a 5/6 camp information evening commencing at 7.00pm and concluding at 8.00pm. The meeting will be held in the hall (3/4MM & 3/4GT classrooms).

One parent/carer and their 5/6 student are invited to attend this meeting. This is an opportunity to hear about the purpose of the camp, the activities the students will be involved in and an opportunity for you to ask questions.


Saint Fidelis' Feast Day – Friday April 23rd

This Friday we celebrate The Feast Day of Saint Fidelis. We will join the parishioners at 9:15am Mass and begin this festive day with a Whole School Mass. After recess, the children will join their buddies for some learning activities about Saint Fidelis. The students will be given free popcorn and a Zooper Dooper at lunchtime.


Foundation Parents 2021 & 2022 Information Night 

St Fidelis Primary School welcomes everyone to our Foundation Information Evening for 2022 on Thursday April 29th 

➢Meet the Leadership Team and the teachers

➢Experience learning as your child will with some hands on workshops

➢Question time


Classroom Helpers - Open to all parents Foundation to Year Six

In Week 3, we will offer a training session for Classroom Helpers. The Literacy and Numeracy Leaders will focus on the roles you may undertake as a classroom helper, answer questions and review our Parent Helper Policy.  We have allocated two times for this training session (You will only need to attend one of these sessions)

When:       Wednesday May 5 - 2:30pm - 3:30pm 

                    Thursday     May 6 - 8:50am - 9:30am

Where:      Staffroom 


Building Update

Over the holidays, the builders took the opportunity of doing some works while the children were not at school. The sheds were demolished and rebuilt with new cladding giving them a very modern look. The pergola was painted, power points and lights installed (This will be handy when we have future school event where we require power) The pergola has new corrugated iron sheets on the roof (much needed shade for the children). The Saunders yard will reopen for the children and the builders will complete joinery and other minor works in this area over the next holidays.

We were also fortunate to have been able to reuse the joinery and the carpet squares from the two Foundation Rooms to give the Art/Music/Italian Space above the Library/STEM area a fresh upgrade. 

The main building is progressing well with framing of classroom beginning over the holidays. The expected finishing date is mid-August at this stage. 


Just before the break, the students and teachers had their input into furniture they would like in the Learning Areas. Over the holidays, I was able to finalise the furniture order with the architects and furniture suppliers.


COVID-19 Update

I have linked the COVID -19 safe practices letter that was sent last night via skoolbag for anyone that may have missed it. These practices will maintain a safe setting for everyone while the current building works are in progress and the relocation of classrooms continues during Term 2.  It will also ensure compliance with the current COVID Safe density limit of one person per two square metres applying to all persons in a space, including students. Entry and exit points will continue to be from the Benny Lane and Hawthorn Street gates.



  • If the weather is still mild, I am happy for students to continue wearing the summer uniform when Term Two begins.
  • From May 3rd we require all students to wear the winter uniform. During the holidays, it is a good opportunity to check to ensure that your child has all the required items for our winter uniform.


Have a great week,
