Year 5/6MG -Wellbeing

Ms Gormon

Year 5/6MG - Berry Street

The Berry Street Model is an important part of our days at TCS.

 We use strategies to help us become Present, Centred and Grounded and Ready to Learn. 

We Self Regulate when times are tough and learn to develop Resilience when things don’t work out the way we had hoped.

We use Growth Mindset; putting situations that happen into perspective using more positive thinking and we develop resilience to cope too.


Here are some videos that you can watch as a family about Positive thinking; Growth Mindset.

Your goals are in reach with effort and commitment


Winners never quit, and quitters never win!    Your hardest times often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep going. Tough situations build strong people in the end.   Award 

Here are some pictures of Year 5/6 thinking about Growth Mindset and more positive thinking.