Prep - Year 2

Assistant Principal's Report

Scott McKinnon

Welcome back parents to Term 2.  With lots of excitement coming up, including excursions for all junior school year levels we are looking forward to a wonderful term. Students have transitioned back smoothly and have thoroughly enjoyed the first 2 weeks of Term 2.  Below is a brief look at what has been happening in our junior school classrooms.  


In Prep, students have been recalling what mindfulness is and describing what it looks like.  They have reflected on identifying and blending sounds when reading during the first week and have now moved towards a letter 'y' and 'r' focus.  In Writing, spelling known sounds and punctuation have been prominent and students have enjoyed analysing narrative texts for features such as setting and characters.  In Mathematics our preppies have been busy sorting and classifying objects to help them learn to continue and copy patterns.  Students have been challenged to identify what might come next and explain their thinking and reasoning.


In Year 1, students have been learning to identify blends in words such as 'nt', 'nd', and 'nk'. Students have also been challenged to identify the problem and resolution of narrative texts and explain the difference between them in order to develop their own stories when writing.  In Mathematics, students have been learning to skip count by 5's and make 2 digit numbers using bundles of ten.  They have also started to investigate fractions by representing halves.


In Year 2, students have been learning to visualise as they read.  This involves creating a mental image and students have focussed on using adjectives to support their thinking.  In Writing, students have been learning to plan and draft narrative texts and have experimented with different types of characters, settings, and complications. In Mathematics our Year 2's have been using tens and doubles facts to support their calculations of addition problems.  For example, if you know 7+7=14 what might 7+27=? 



Our Year 2 students have also been lucky enough to be part of our Life Education sessions with Healthy Harold where they focussed on building healthy relationships through friendship-making, showing kindness, and giving compliments. 

What an amazing start to the term it has been.



Scott McKinnon

Assistant Principal (Junior School)