Chaplain's Corner


This time last year all of us, adults and children, were working out ways to cope with what had become a ‘new normal’.   Part of that included new or increased ways of caring for each other, reaching out to our friends and others in our community, and new understanding of others. 

Many hoped that this new way of doing ‘COMMUNITY’ would become ingrained in each and every one of us, INCLUDING OUR CHILDREN.





 Sadly, in recent weeks I have been hearing of, seeing and experiencing some deteriorating behaviours, resulting in disrespect for one another, even for those who care for them, and between good friends.

Worryingly, deteriorating relationships between countries and culture groups also indicates a reduction of ‘pulling together’ for humankind.

It is often ‘human nature’ to fall back on ‘old ways’ of relating.  But like anything ‘new’, it needs REINFORCEMENT to become MAINTAINED and to GROW – TO BECOME INGRAINED.

So please keep the conversations going in your families and in your community.  Keep encouraging each other, especially your children to ‘step in the shoes of another’ and develop EMPATHY and RESILIENCE, helping and showing love, care & respect for others.

Have conversations with your kids about how we can better treat others, and how we can handle situations where we feel we are targeted – ‘Often it is people who hurt others, who need our understanding’ as ‘hurt people, often hurt others’.


Let’s not let the lessons of 2020 fade. 

Robyn Mulholland (School Chaplain)