Week 2&3 Snapshot

Welcome to Grade 4! 

The Grade 4 students have once again settled back into learning at class. They have done a great job of readjusting! Please find below an outline of the learning for Week 7 and 8.  


Students are continuing to work on developing their reading stamina and engagement. Students have learnt multiple strategies for finding just right books, staying engaged as they read and identify their thinking. Over the next week students will practice applying these strategies independently before moving onto a new unit focusing on reading with fluency and expression. 

In writing, students have been working on writing simple, compound and complex sentences. They have been revising their writing carefully to ensure their sentences flow and create a feeling or mood in their stories. Students will then use their knowledge of sentence fluency to create descriptive and powerful short stories. 


In writing students will also look at linking sentences using linking words and text connectives. They will apply this to writing short informational pieces. 



Students are continuing to strengthen their understanding of addition and subtraction strategies. Students are moving into learning about angles. They will focus on classifying angles as equal to, greater than or less than a right angle. Students will apply their knowledge to help them when programing spheros. 

In preparation for Camp Rumbug students will also be interpreting information contained in basic maps and look at how to solve time problems using am and pm notation. 



Unit of Inquiry

Students have begun our unit of inquiry, How We Organise Ourselves, exploring the central idea 'Technology creates opportunities.' 


Students will be participating in a sequence of lessons using SPHEROS, learning to control and code a small robotic device.


Over the next several weeks they will explore the lines of inquiry: 

  • How technology transforms the world we live in 
  • How being curious with technology helps us to solve problems  
  • How our use of technology can impact self and others


Classes are continuing to use circles and philosophical inquiries to support students wellbeing. 


Homework will be sent out on Monday for Weeks 2 & 3. Students need to complete the expected tasks which include reading, maths and word study and record their homework in their planner. Students may also complete the optional tasks. Homework is due Tuesday, May 4th. 

Grade 4 Camp

On Wednesday 5th to Friday 7th May, Grade 4 will be going to Camp Rumbug. Students will participate in 8 activities over 3 days. Please make sure students have old clothes that can get wet and muddy, especially for the mud run on the first day. Please pack a snack and lunch for the first day of camp. Please see attached packing list for camp.

Parents can drop off medication for their child on Tuesday 4th May between 3:30 and 4:00pm or Wednesday 8:00 to 8:30 at the Health Centre.


Friday 23rd April - Fun Lunch

Thursday 29th April - House Cross Country

Friday 30th April - Mother's Day Stall

Wednesday 5th - Friday 7th May - Grade 4 Camp 

Thursday 13th May - Online Cyber Safety, Parent Information Session

Thursday 20th May - Lapathon

Monday 31st May - Excursion, Wurundjeri Walking Tour

Grade 4 Team

4A Phoebe James

4B Melanie Davis 

4C Nicole Klaassen

4D Kellie Runciman