From the universe to the atom
Year 12 Physics class at the ANSTO Discovery Centre
From the universe to the atom
Year 12 Physics class at the ANSTO Discovery Centre
Last month, our Year 12 Physics students had the opportunity to visit the ANSTO Discovery Centre at Lucas Heights. Alongside Dr Sood and Mr Chandler, the students were given a first-hand opportunity to supplement their research task on the module ‘From the universe to the atom’.
Here are some of their comments:
‘I loved the experience and found everything we learnt very interesting.’ – Christian
‘It was really interesting seeing all the parts of science involved in making the reactor work. Hands down the best reactor in Australia.’ – Nik
‘Best nuclear reactor I’ve seen in Australia. 12/10!’ – Michael
‘The experience was great and allowed me to learn more than just reading textbooks.’ – Ethan
‘I learnt lots of interesting information on nuclear science.’ – Nguyen Le
‘The excursion taught me a lot of information about the topic we are currently doing. It was interesting.’ – Fadi Hana
‘The excursion gave me an insight at what we would be learning in class and helped with my upcoming assessment task. It was very informative and was fun.’ – Jessica
‘The excursion improved on my understanding and it also helped me with my assessment task.’ – Marjan
‘Was really cool to learn more about fusion power and its current development/progress’ – Lucas
‘Very entertaining and educational, loved it! I learnt quite a lot as well as some interesting facts about cancer research.’ – Ben
‘I discovered that heavy water existed and now I’m thirsty! Also there was cool reactors too!’ – Kosta
‘This excursion has deepened my understanding about particle accelerators which has helped me with my current assessment task.’ – Fi
‘Pretty crazy stuff but disappointed we didn’t get a free sample of Molybdenum-99. Also, pocket sized periodic tables are great!’ - Liam
Dr G Sood and Mr J Chandler
Science teachers