Beanie for brain cancer

You too are probably shocked to know brain cancer kills more children than any other disease, and kills more people under 40 in Australia than any other cancer - yet it receives less than 5% of government cancer research funding.
In 2014, 1710 brain cancers were diagnosed in Australia and the risk of being diagnosed with brain cancer by age 85 is 1 in 107 for men and 1 in 157 for women. In 2016, there were 1349 deaths in Australia caused by brain cancer. The five-year survival rate for brain cancer is 22%.
Earlier this month, the Student Representative Council (SRC) at Cecil Hills High School held its Beanie for Brain Cancer day to spread awareness of the effects and presence of brain cancer throughout society. This led to many students showing their support by wearing many colourful beanies and scarves to school. By the end of the day, we were able to raise more than $800 to donate to the Mark Hughes Foundation. All the money raised will go towards finding a cure and improving treatment options for many patients. Thank you to all who participated.
Enza Occhiuto and Ana Golijan
Student Representative Coordinators