Slow down to 40 when the bus lights flash
Tactical public awareness campaign
NSW has the largest metropolitan bus fleet in Australia. More than 3850 buses operate in the Sydney area, while another 1000 buses service the Newcastle, Wollongong and Blue Mountains areas. In addition, in NSW there are thousands of buses that travel every day transporting students on country roads.
Crashes involving buses often result in more severe outcomes to other road users due to their size and mass, and because due to their size and weight, they take more time to stop.
The Centre for Road Safety is committed to improving safety around buses. We are implementing a tactical school bus safety campaign comprising radio and social media which targets motorists and parents.
The issue
We are seeking to highlight for parent and carers the need to always supervise their children and hold their hand when walking to and from the bus stop or interchange and when crossing the road and also about the need not to call their children across the road.
We are seeking to highlight for drivers the laws around bus flashing lights. Lights flash on the front and back of a bus when the bus is picking up or setting down school children. A 40km/h speed limit applies when bus lights flash.
Partner Toolkit – Creative Assets
Be Bus Aware
All information relating to the ‘Be Bus Aware’ Slow down to 40 campaigns is available on Be Bus Aware website.
Bus ‘flashing lights’ animation
A bus flashing lights animation will be available on the Be Bus Aware website. You can share this on social network, in newsletters or embed in in your websites.
Additional bus safety animations are available
Facebook posts
A series of bus safety Facebook posts will commence on 25 June 2017 targeting NSW drivers, parents and carers. The content will be posted on the NSW Road Safety Facebook page. Please feel free to share these posts across your own Facebook pages. If you craft your own posts about the campaign/bus flashing lights, please use the campaign hashtag #BeBusAware or road safety campaign hashtag #TowardsZero.
Animated GIF
An animated GIF has been developed showing bus flashing lights. This will be published on our Facebook page and available to share.