Religious Education News

Leanne Wenckowski

I was very excited to receive some beautiful photos of children beginning their home learning with a prayer.


Parade College published a poem by Donna Ashworth in their newsletter this week. I think this poem is a timely reflection about what we are all currently experiencing.


History Will Remember

History will remember when the world stopped

And the flights stayed on the ground.

And the cars parked in the street.

And the trains didn’t run.

History will remember when the schools closed

And the children stayed indoors

And the medical staff walked towards the fire

And they didn’t run.

History will remember when the people sang

On their balconies, in isolation

But so very much together

In courage and song.

History will remember where the people fought

For their old and their weak

Protected the vulnerable

By giving their all.

History will remember when the virus left

And the houses opened

And the people came out

And hugged and kissed

And started again.

Kinder than before……

Parish News