Around Foundation (Prep)
Prep News
Around Foundation (Prep)
Prep News
Thank you to everyone who attended the information evening. Please don't hesitate to come and see us if you have any questions about the Prep program. There is always a lot of information to deliver in a relatively short time. Please find our email addresses below:
We have commenced learning the correct formation of our letters. The style of writing taught at school is called Victorian Modern Cursive. If you would like to assist your child with their handwriting, but do not know what the letters look like, Google the name and you will find the upper and lowercase letters of the alphabet as well as the numbers.
We have been reading a variety of books together in class. The children are encouraged to read along and discuss aspects of the book. We have talked about the title of the story, the title page, characters, bold print and exclamation marks.
All students took their first reader home last Friday. The children are asked to read their book at home and bring it back the following day. They will then reread the book to an adult helper and swap it for a new book.
Thank you to everyone who has offered to assist with listening to the children read. At this stage Prep C still requires volunteers for Tuesday morning and Thursday and Friday afternoons. Prep V would welcome more assistance on Monday, Thursday and Friday afternoons.
A reminder that all parent helpers require a Working With Children Check and are asked to sign in at the office as a visitor, before coming to the classroom. It is also a requirement for adults to wear a face mask and socially distance from each other, when working inside the building.
We have been doing lots of counting during our Maths sessions and the children have also commenced learning the correct formation of the numerals. We have started to explore patterns. The children have used a range of materials to investigate patterns with 2 or more elements. They have been encouraged to create their own patterns and explain how a pattern works.
Inquiry Topic
Our topic for this term is Me and My Community. We will be learning about our similarities and differences. We talk about the many different kinds of families and discuss who helps us in our community. To promote student voice, the children are encouraged to ask questions and explore areas of interest within this topic.
We are aware that the children are very excited and distracted, now that we have joined the older students in the yard, on our long days. We allow extra time to eat, however, it may take a few weeks to settle into a recess and lunch routine. Whenever possible, we will allow the children time after lunch to finish food in their lunch boxes. Children are reminded that it is important to drink water, especially on these hot days. The buddies have been very helpful in refilling empty drink bottles.
Working Bee
We love to see our school grounds looking great! Our first Working Bee is for Prep families and will be held on Sunday, 28 February, between 9-11:00am. If you could spare some time, it would be greatly appreciated. A yummy morning tea will be provided for you too.