
Geoff Howell

Paul Dyson


Up at the Shearing Shed

Last week we wrapped up a busy week of shearer and wool handling training. This was funded by AWI and our special thanks go to Kevin and Amanda Gellatly and Mr Adams for providing a very successful program to our students. 


Mr Adams has been delivering extra Sheep Judging training after school in preparation for Wagin Woolorama. We wish all competitors the best of luck this weekend and to remember that our excellent reputation relies upon how we engage with the broader public, but most importantly the Agricultural Community on days like these. 



A number of students have volunteered to assist with weekend stock duties on Saturday given the large number of students we have attending Wagin Woolorama.  Many thanks to these and all the students who show initiative in assisting with tasks that are ongoing across our Farm. 


Football and netball season is fast approaching, this is a challenge for us as we endeavour to support children’s sporting commitments and the needs of the College each weekend. Please communicate with Mr Dyson as soon as you are aware of any issues.


Beef/Dairy Section

At Beef we have commenced calving and Mr Millichamp and Mr Dunlop have been busy ensuring that these animals get the best start to life possible. 


Mr Falkingham has an ongoing calving program at the Dairy and we welcomed a couple of new Speckle Park / Friesian cross calves, being born yesterday.  (We have everyone on the job taking photos around the College. Thanks to Jacqui Gratwick for this beauty).

Farewell to Another Farm Staff Member

This week we said farewell to Mr Vallance who was working in our Farm Workshop. His time at the College was short but the students gained a lot from his knowledge of farm machinery and equipment. 


We wish him the best for his future endeavours in the Mining Industry.