National Science Week
Northcote High School will celebrate National Science Week from August 12 to 16. The theme for National Science Week is ‘Destination Moon, More missions, More science’ and is focussed on discovering past missions to the Moon and space programs that have solved some of the seemingly unsolvable problems— and current and future space programs, operations and missions. Many of these use big picture thinking in science to solve problems, and technology, engineering and mathematics to design new solutions. This will help forge our future paths in the areas of space operations, space science, Earth observations, positioning systems and communications.
Monday 12th August: Destination moon themed presentation in the library (Years 7 to 9 only) at lunch
Tuesday 13th August: Moon Landing Kahoot! and dehydrated food in M1 at lunch
Wednesday 14th August: Moon landing documentary in M1 at lunch
Thursday 15th August: Moon Survival Challenge in M1 at lunch
Friday 16th August: David Attenborough challenge: Moon landing addition in M1 at lunch
Prizes to be won including robots, astronaut food, weather stations and more!