From the School Leadership Team,

From Mr. Chant,



The Parents' Committee AGM is being held on Friday 26th March at 8.45am, in the library. Please sign in at the gates via the QR CODE which will be on display.


A big thank you to all our community members who returned their ballots during our recent School Council elections. Having an election is a positive reflection of the level of interest our parents have in sharing in the work around implementing our improvement. My thanks to those who put up their hands and made a contest for the vacancies being filled. Congratulations to Joseph Chang, Tom Roth, Adina Nijemcevic and Ben Avanziwho were elected following the counting of votes this week.


School Council meets at school over the course of the year. These meetings are held in the staffroom and allow members of the Council to collaboratively work to support the work of the staff and the community. Council members provide ideas and support to the Principal, create and endorse policy development and ensure the school operates as effectively as possible.


This week we held a successful uniform stall at the rear of the school. These sale days are held by our volunteers and I know they would love some additional helpers to ensure this essential service is conducted as regularly as possible.


Our Working Bee is this Sunday, 21st March, 1.00pm - 4.00pm. This working bee is for year 6 students and families. Students must be accompanied by a parent/carer. Please come along and help keep our grounds neat and tidy.


School photographs are next Thursday.  Sibling photographs are being handled separately on the Friday morning. All details are within an article later in this newsletter.  Please have a look at the article to ensure you are aware of the new process.


Emergency Management at our school is a priority because the safety of everyone on site is always a priority. In the coming weeks we will hold a lockdown practice where children are contained safely inside their learning spaces, out of view and in the care of our staff. This type of response may be used in cases of extreme weather, trespassers on site or at the direction of emergency services. 


Being a Parent Helper at CJC

Parents helping in the classroom supports student learning and strengthens the home school partnership. There is a significant amount of educational research verifying that parent involvement is a critical factor in a child's educational success. 

The role of helper may be supporting students with reading, writing, math, IT, art, music…

To become a parent helper, you will need a current Working with Children Check and you will need to attend oneof our 30 minute Parent Information Sessions if you have not attended one before.


  • Monday 22/3 at 9.00am in the library
  • Friday 26/3 at 3.00pm in the staffroom

Please sign in at the office on the Compass Kiosk. No need to register ahead of time.


Walk to School Day

On Wednesday the 31st of March (the last week of school), CJC will be hosting a Walk to School day! All students are encouraged to walk or ride to school, or to be dropped off at one of the designated points and walk in with other students and families on their way to school. More information will be released soon on the designated meeting places.


Our new house names have been well received by the students and now we are using Harmony Day to launch the new House Points award system. Children will be allocated points for their positive contribution to the school, demonstration of the school values or doing something that is a little special and can by acknowledged with a reward of house points. The points are tallied weekly and awarded at the assembly on Monday afternoon.



From Mme. Pommier

French Director


Chers parents et tuteurs,


Je suis ravie de retrouver la communauté de CJC pour cette nouvelle année 2021. Mon congé maternité fut bref mais j’ai eu un plaisir infini à passer ces premiers mois aux côtés de ma deuxième fille, Charlotte.


Cette semaine, j’ai pu rencontrer nos élèves de Grande Section et souhaiter la bienvenue à nos nouveaux professeurs. Je tiens à remercier Madame Breimeyer qui a fait un excellent travail durant mon absence et qui a posé les bases solides d’une année prometteuse. 

Au plaisir de vous saluer et de vous retrouver très prochainement à l’école.


Programme de soutien éducatif

Cette année, nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir deux nouveaux professeurs français qui se joignent à Mme Duimovich et qui font partie de l’équipe du programme de soutien à CJC. Le rôle de Mme Baqué, Mme Duimovich et Mme Lewis est de soutenir les classes du Programme français binational dans le but de renforcer ou de compléter le curriculum français.


Elles enseignent dans les classes pendant les temps de réunion des professeurs ou prennent en charge de petits groupes d’élèves et renforcent les apprentissages fondamentaux par des leçons de théâtre, d’histoire-géo et d’éducation civique.


Évaluations nationales de 6e

Les 24 et 25 mars prochains, les élèves de 6e du programme binational passeront les nouveaux tests de positionnement de 6e. Ces évaluations de début d’année permettent à chaque enseignant d'affiner sa connaissance des acquis de chacun de ses élèves pour les accompagner au mieux dans leurs apprentissages. Ces évaluations rentrent dans le programme d’évaluation de CJC, aux côtés du NAPLAN et des évaluations continues.

Un bilan individuel sera partagé avec la famille de l’élève.


La Journée de l’harmonie

Aujourd’hui nous fêtons la journée de l’harmonie à travers une série d’activités colorées. C’est une belle occasion de célébrer les différentes cultures de notre école. Cette fête valorise la cohésion sociale et l’harmonie ethnique. La participation de la communauté soutient une approche inclusive, le respect et le sentiment d’appartenance. Voilà de belles valeurs qui sont au cœur de notre travail à CJC.




Dear parents and carers,


I am delighted to be returning  to CJC’s school community.  I took a short maternity leave, but it was a great pleasure to have the opportunity to spend these first months with my second daughter, Charlotte.


This week, I was able to meet our new Prep students and wish a warm welcome to our new teachers.  I would like to thank Mme. Breimeyer for her excellent work during my leave. She established a solid foundation to a promising year.


I will look forward to seeing you all at school in a near future.


French Support teachers

This year, we are delighted to welcome 2 new French teachers who are joining Mme. Duimovich. They are also part of the team of Intervention Support Teachers at CJC. The role of Mme. Baqué, Mme. Duimovich and Mme. Lewis is to support the French Binational Programme’s classes to enhance and complement the existing French curriculum.


As well as teaching in the classrooms during the teachers’ meeting sessions, they work with small groups of students to enrich fundamental learning through drama, history, geography and civic education.



Harmony Day

Today we have been celebrating Harmony Day with the students through a series of colourful and fun activities. It is an opportunity to embrace diversity, promote social cohesion and racial harmony.  This is expressed through community participation, inclusiveness, respect and belonging. These are all beautiful values that are at the very heart of our work at CJC.


Grade 6 Assessments

Later this month, on March 25th and 26th, our French Binational Program Grade 6 students will perform their year level assessments. These tests are given at the start of the year to assist our teachers in refining their understanding of the capabilities of every student and adapt their lessons to their needs.  These evaluations are part of the assessment program at CJC, alongside the NAPLAN and continuous assessments.

An individual skill assessment will be shared with the students families.