President's Report

- Rachel Imbesi

Hi Livingston families,


A big welcome to all our Livingston families in 2021, especially to all our new families.  It's great to see all the children excited to be at kinder with big smiles on their faces as they get to know their teachers and classmates. 


Over the summer holidays, we were really excited to see part of our backyard landscaped and transformed into an inspirational area for both our children and teachers.  We were thrilled to receive a Victorian Government Building Blocks Minor Infrastructure grant for $50,000 at the end of last year which helped fund these works.  On behalf of our kindergarten, I would like to thank the Victorian State Government for this amazing grant and to Bayside City Council, in particular Clare Prodan, for facilitating and applying for the grant on our behalf.  We are truly grateful for their support.  The new area provides an inclusive natural environment that engages children of all development levels and can be accessed with various levels of mobility - it reflects current pedagogy and responsive teaching.  Our new backyard features a yarning circle, new sandpit and pulley system, hand pump and trickle stream into a dry creek bed, river stones and logs, digging patch/mud play, wooden hut and edible gardens.  


I would like to thank those parents who have volunteered to join our Committee of Management this year.  We held our first committee meeting a couple of weeks ago and it is terrific to have such engaged and dedicated parents to help lead our kindergarten community.   We have a couple of fundraising events coming up including our Easter Egg donation and raffle and our Bunnings Sausage Sizzle on Sunday 14th March.  We appreciate your support whether its donating easter eggs, buying raffle tickets, cooking a BBQ or simply purchasing a sausage.


Very soon we will launch our new website, a project that has been in the making since last year.  We can't wait to share it with you and I would like to thank all the parents who have contributed to this project.  It comes just in time for 2022 enrolment registrations which opens 29th March and closes 30th April 2021.  Just a reminder, even if you are currently enrolled at our kindergarten, you will still need to register with Bayside Council for a 2022 placement.


As we head towards the end of Term 1, I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Easter break.  Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if I can assist in any way: