Student Leadership News
In line with our focus trait of the term being caring and respectful of others and our own selves, the members of the leadership team have been given the wonderful opportunity to get to know and spend time with each of the year 7 classes during their MFG Way classes. This has been a great way for us to show by example how we spread kindness and respect here at MFG, by building positive and supportive relationships with our peers across all year levels.
We have had lots of fun getting to know everyone by running small activities such as down ball and fun games such as quizzes and questionnaires to do some icebreaking, and are looking forward to even further developing the growing relationships as the year progresses.
Vice versa, it is amazing to witness the care and respect each of the year 7 students have for each other. The start of the new school year can already be a difficult transition period for some, but moving into year 7 is a whole challenge in itself. In true MFG fashion, we are already seeing some great friendships being formed whether it be out in the school yard during recess and lunch, or in the classroom. Through this “buddy system”, we hope to continue bridging the gap between our junior and senior year levels and further unifying our school community here at MFG.
As always, the leadership team have been busy organising and planning some events which will be coming up later in the term. So keep a lookout on compass for more information in the upcoming weeks. Things to look forward to include the whole-school healthy breakfast in celebration of International Women’s Day and Cultural Diversity Week!
Wishing everyone all the best until the next newsletter!
Lizette and Kaitlyn