Learning and Teaching
at MFG
Learning and Teaching
at MFG
Our Term 1 Parent-Teacher-Student Learning Conferences for 2021 are scheduled to be held on Tuesday 2nd March between 12 p.m. and 7 p.m. There will be no school-based classes or on-line / Home-Based Learning activities or lessons on this day.
Given the current COVID-19 restrictions and likelihood that all Victorian schools will not be permitted to have visitors, including parents and carers, on the school grounds our Term 1 Parent-Teacher-Student Learning Conferences will be held via video-conference (eg Zoom) or a phone call. Teachers have the choice of arranging either of these options. If you prefer a phone call rather than a Zoom video-conference, please let the teacher know that this is your preference. This format will be similar to how we ran things in Term 3 of 2020.
If this arrangement changes and we are permitted to have visitors, we will let you as soon as we do.
BOOKINGS OPEN: Monday 22nd February at 9 a.m.
BOOKINGS CLOSE: Friday 26th February at midnight
You can make a booking using Compass – go to the Community icon (the two people) and select Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences. Students cannot book interviews using their accounts.
Teachers will be having short breaks between 2.15-2.30 p.m. and 3.15-3.30 p.m. and a dinner break between 5 p.m.-6 p.m. – you will not be able to make bookings during these times.
Please be mindful that each Learning Conference goes for 10 minutes only – teachers will have a 5 minute break between each Conference given they are using video-conferencing and making phone calls.
If you would like to arrange a more in-depth discussion with a particular teacher, then please make another appointment with that teacher.
We ask that you please check that your personal contact details on Compass are up to date as your child’s teachers will be using these details to make contact with you. Please contact our office at info@mfgsc.vic.edu.au if your contact details need to be updated.
We look forward to having this opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with you during these very unusual times. Please don’t hesitate to contact us at the College at info@mfgsc.vic.edu.au if you have any questions.
Your child’s Interim (Progress) Report will be published for you to access through Compass in week 9 – the week starting 22nd March. We’ve changed the timing of the Interim report for two reasons:
In Term 1 this year we have adopted a whole school focus on one trait – ‘Caring and respectful of others and themselves.’
What is this trait and what does it look like in action?
Mr Damien Toussaint
Assistant Principal , Learning and Teaching