A Word from the Principal

Ms Kylie Campbell

A Warm Welcome to our Weeden Heights Community

School Council


On Monday night, School Council inducted its new members through the AGM.  Congratulations to the school councillors who were elected into the following office bearing positions:

  • Mrs Karen Jansen  – School Council President
  • Mr Simon Billingham- Vice President
  • Mr Daniel Rodger– Treasurer
  • Mr Mayur Deivasigamani – Minute Secretary

We also welcomed our other school council members for our very first meeting: Mr Tony Goldsmith, Mrs Terri Martin, Mrs Eva Bitsikas, Mr Eric Wei, Mr Gavin Hodgins, Mrs Kerryn Cheetham and Ms Sarah Crookes.


The school council also operates with sub committees and their main role is to advise council through their research and investigations.   Parents are more than welcome join sub committees and you don’t need to commit to being on school council. 


Please come and speak with Karen, our new president, or a council member if you are interested in being involved in a sub- committee: education, buildings and grounds or community building.  We welcome our parents and the council would greatly appreciate input from the wider community. 


Weeden Heights PS ‘Catch up program’

The students have got off to a terrific start on their extension and enrichment programs.  Mrs Alter, Mrs Watts and Mrs Nancarrow are working directly with the classroom teachers to develop learning plans for these students.  The students working in these group sessions are completing work in line with the learning in the classrooms


Prep 2021 Tours and 2022 Enrolments

We have had many calls and visits already for information regarding enrolments at Weeden Heights Primary School for 2022.  Tours and enrolment information is available now.  Positions are filling fast so if you are an existing family, please complete your enrolment form and hand it in at the office. 


If you know anyone who requires assistance with 2022 placements, please direct them to call our office to book a tour date and time.  If you are one of our current families then please remember that you also need to enrol early as well.   Thank you for helping us with this process.


Parent Helpers Workshops

Please look out for our flyer that should be out soon about our parent helper sessions.  If you intend helping in the classrooms, we strongly encourage you to participate so that you are aware of the approaches that we use to support student learning.  Classrooms, routines and strategies have changed significantly since we all attended primary school (way back!) so this will be a huge support for you when working in the classrooms.  It is even a good idea to attend if you would simply like to support your own child at home. We look forward to seeing you all soon. Please speak with your child’s teacher about helping in the classrooms!


Parent Association/ Parent Group/Parent Association

Thank-you to the wonderful parents who have shown great interest in our PFA.  The parents have met conduct their AGM and have organised all the events for the year. 


The parents welcome anyone who would like to join them to support the school and most importantly our students. 


Currently, the PFA are running our bulb fundraiser so hopefully our families will benefit from have some lovely flowers in their gardens soon. Stay tuned for the up-coming events. 


ps Don't forget our special food day on the last day of term.  It has been a very long time since our PFA have been able to run this event so we are excited.  The PFA are also putting on a surprise for all of the students so stay tuned....for the Easter egg hunt!


End of Term Assembly

Parents are reminded that this term will conclude on Thursday 1 April at 2.30pm.  Please note the early closing time.  We will conduct our end of term assembly from the basketball courts and parents will be welcome to attend.  Parents need to socially distance and have a mask ready to wear if you can’t distance. There will be quite a few awards to hand out!  


Term two will commence on Monday 19 April 2021 after a two week break.  Please take this time to relax with the family as it has been a very big term for everyone particularly coming off the isolation and remote learning year.  

I hope that you all have a very Happy Easter and enjoy a wonderful two week break.  Please stay safe and healthy.


Until next time……

Kylie Campbell


Futures are Bright at Weeden Heights!