Year 8

Living the Mazenod Way

Over the past two weeks, Year 8 students have been challenged to embrace the Mazenod Way. Living the Mazenod Way asks students to share their gifts, talents, and passions. 


When students share their gifts; they inspire others, develop their own personal skills, and contribute to the College community in a meaningful way. The Interhouse Swimming Carnival was a great example of students skilfully racing, competing together as a team, cheering on their respective Houses, and organising their teams. They worked together, inspired each other, and demonstrated excellent House spirit throughout.

In Religious Education, Year 8 students have been learning about communities and how the human person yearns to feel accepted and that they belong. Participating in school events, extracurricular activities, and Christian Service Learning (in other words, sharing their gifts, talents, and passions) helps to build a sense of community and provides opportunities to connect with others.


During Extended Form, Year 8 students listened to Mr Tom Voakes speak about the advantages of participating in the Hands of Eugene program (Christian Service Learning) and heard specifically from Mr Miles Openshaw from the Smith Family, seeking Year 8 students to volunteer for their reading buddy program. According to Mr Openshaw, participating in the program helps students to develop their communication, leadership and problem-solving skills, along with making a significant impact on the life of a younger child situated somewhere in Western Australia.


Living the Mazenod Way, also means being a people of faith and aspiring to live according to the values of St Eugene De Mazenod. Such values emphasise the importance of prayer, compassion, humility, and service to others. In Week Three, the Year 8 cohort gathered in the PAC to celebrate the College Whole School Opening Mass led by visiting Oblate Fr Fini OMI. The students are to be commended for creating a respectful and reverent space in the PAC, even after Fr Fini gave the boys a personalised message to call out to him at the start. This week, the cohort gathered again for their Year 8 Wednesday morning Mass to celebrate the Eucharist together. It was pleasing to see so many Year 8 students present in the Chapel before school.


Jane Cox

Head of Year 8