Faith and Mission


Our personalities, our inclinations, our ways of approaching the world can influence how we worship God. There are those who are comfortable with overt and effusive worship, and others who convey deep faith through the gentlest of nods towards the Tabernacle. There are those who seek God in the discipline, rituals and structure of our faith, while others are drawn to opportunities of silent reflections, or walks in nature. Some of us find it difficult to engage in our worship of God and not know where to start.


To hear clearly these gentle proddings, we work on our own faith journey so we might better reach out to those yet to have a friendship with God.  St Eugene taught that “We must lead people to act like human beings, first of all, and then like Christians, and, finally, we must help them to become saints”. In doing so, he identified the need for us to acknowledge our humanity in all its aspects, a key step to progressing in holiness. Our faith does not make us immune to the worries and anxieties of the world, or the pressures we place on ourselves. Yet, coming before God bearing these pressures helps alleviate them, and convert them into prayer. By being honest and vulnerable in front of God, we present ourselves, fully human and without pretence, ready to be worked on by God. Our worries have now become a means of drawing closer to God.


In the next fortnight, we might look out for means of helping someone “to act like a human being”. Perhaps we can meet our human need to be heard, by listening openly to someone’s viewpoint. Or we can engage someone in a project and meet the human need to feel needed and to contribute. Or we might show love to someone needing to be loved. Little, yet significant, ways in which we can bring about the Kingdom of God in the life of the other.


Adapted from: 

Whole School Mass

Next Wednesday 15 March, the whole College community will come together to formally pay our respects to Fr Don Hughes OMI. While he passed away on the 20th of July 2020, the College, together with the Oblates of Australia, will gather for a memorial Mass, which is open to the entire College community. This Mass will also be significant in that over 20 Oblate priests from across Australia will be present. This has not occurred at Mazenod for more than 12 years – when the opening of the new senior block and admin buildings occurred.

Fr John Sherman Visits

During the past week the College had Fr Sherman OMI visit the Year 10 to 12 classes. Fr Sherman was not able to visit the College much over the past 3 years due to Covid, and the students were excited to see him again and receive a prayer card of an Icon of Jesus. Fr Sherman also celebrated Mass with the Yr 12’s for our Wednesday morning Mass.

Wednesday Morning Masses

Each Wednesday our Masses have a theme and host student group.

Wednesday Week 8 will be for Cebula boarding, followed by the Year 11 Peer Support leaders in Week 9 and the Young Vinnies in Week 10.

Project Compassion

The season of Lent links closely to the Project Compassion Caritas appeal. The College so far has raised $98.45c. If you can, please support or encourage your son to donate to his respective Form's donation box. 

CSL Opportunity for Year 10 and 11 Students

Twilight in the Park 2023 – Saturday 25 March

After a four year hiatus from holding a large school community event, on Saturday 25 March 2023 Mary’s Mount Primary School are excited to be hosting “Twilight In The Park”.


For over 34 years, Breakfast In The Park was the school’s main fundraiser and was well supported by the community. Twilight In The Park is an evolution of Breakfast In The Park with a greater emphasis on entertainment and a new fresh format. Twilight In The Park will begin at 4pm in Stirk Park. There will be a selection of food, stalls, entertainment and family activities hosted by Mary’s Mount Primary School.


The event cannot happen without the support of the school community and many volunteers. In previous years, Mazenod students have volunteered on the day to help setup, packup and assist on stalls at the event and for this to count towards their community service.


Setup would be from 2.00pm in Stirk Park with the event running from 4pm to 7pm followed by pack up. The school  envisages two time slots being 2.00pm to 5.00pm and 5.00pm to 8.00pm. You will also receive a drink and a hamburger or hotdog on the day for supporting our event.


If you are interested in helping, please email Gabby Hoffmann using the email below.

Remembering the Sick or Passed Members of Our Community:

Should you wish to have prayers said for a family member or friend, or an anniversary is coming up, we can publish their names in our school newsletter. The names will also be mentioned at our morning masses. Please contact Mr John Keogh should you wish to add a name –

Flower Roster Volunteers


John Keogh

Director of Faith and Mission (acting)