Student Leadership 2023

Hi Ripper Families,
Just a reminder that on Thursday the 9th of March we have school photos (That's TOMORROW!). There will be individual photos, class photos, sibling photos and a whole school photo too!
Over the past few weeks, we have been enjoying music therapy. In these lessons, we have been making raps about bullying and well-being issues and drumming. It was really fun for all year levels.
We will keep you posted in the next newsletter with what we have been up to at school.
Millie D & Aurora M
School Captains
On the 21st of March it is Harmony day!
Harmony Day is a day when we come together and celebrate what makes us different. The day symbolises and celebrates diversity, aiming to foster inclusiveness, respect and the idea that people of all different cultures can make a valuable contribution to society
On this day we ask all students to wear the colour orange to celebrate our cultural diversity and see each other as one. Please bring a gold coin donation which will be going to UNICEF to help the recovery efforts for people displaced in the War in Ukraine.
Basketball Club
Hi, I am Lewis and I'm in 5/6A. I have played basketball for 3 years and have created a basketball club at school on Friday 2nd half of lunch.
Anyone from years 3-6 are able to join. It will be held on the basketball courts where we will have basketball games, basketball drills and skill improvement sessions.
Hope to see you there!
Chess Club
Lewis from 5/6A is also hosting a chess club on Wednesday 2nd half of lunch in the library. Again, anyone from years 3-6 can join. Having a basic understanding of the rules of chess would be much appreciated as they will be focusing on tactics, opening, mid game and end games.
Dance Club
Hi, my name is Harriet and Luna and we will be running a Dance Club. It’s free for everyone that wants to try it. It will be on every 2 weeks at Tuesday lunchtime.
It is not compulsory and It’s all just a little bit of fun. It only goes for 25 min and you do not have to stick around the whole time. So, come along and learn some new cool dance moves with Harriet and Luna!
Book Club
This term on Thursdays every second week there will be a Book Club for 3-6s at the library so dive into your favourite book and share with others. It will be on the second half of lunchtime. Sign-up sheets will be inside near the staff room. If you have any questions about any of these clubs ask Mika D, Luna M., Harriet P, Lewis S or Daghda H. These are also the members of this year’s well-being team.
Dungeons & Dragons Club
Hello heroes, my name is Daghda the dungeon master of D&D. My fellow heroes on what you call Friday there will be a D&D club with me as your dungeon master in the library. Sign-up sheets will be all around the school and it will be for Years 3-6 only, the campaign will be war with the lich king.
D&D will help students with maths, making new friends and growing their imagination. In the D&D club, you will play through my campaign and play as their custom-made characters (characters sheets will be provided but not minis) the game will go every Friday for thirty minutes in real-time, and in-game time will be 3 days.
Sincerely Daghda your D.M