From the Principal

Felicity Broughton

 Do all that you do with love ~


Dear Parents and Friends of St Therese's Primary School,


And here we are, the last newsletter for Term 1. As I write this I am reflecting on everything that has happened in our school over the last 11 weeks and we have done so much! New furniture in the 5/6 learning areas, a Welcome BBQ, Harmony Day, Coloured Clothes and an Easter Egg raffle, Senior Camp, Athletics Day, First Reconciliation for our Grade 3 students and much, much more. 


This morning we have shared our Stations of the Cross Liturgy led by our Grade 5/6 students and they did a magnificent job. The reverent behaviour of all students is to be commended and it certainly left me speechless, it was one of the most powerful liturgies I have been part of. We also thank Father Joseph for stepping in as Jesus for the washing of the feet. It truly was the most beautiful way to share the Easter story and to come together as a school.


Closure of the School Crossing on Endeavour Drive

I know many of you have read the letter that was shared earlier in the week regarding the closure of the school crossing outside the school. This is something that I have raised concerns about and will continue to do so on behalf of the school but multiple voices and complaints are more powerful than one. If you are willing, please put this in writing and make a formal complaint - there are many of us who do have concerns for the children's safety when crossing the road.


Please also take time over the holidays to reiterate how important it is for safe crossing. The handout attached to the letter is also attached below. 



I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your constant support of the school and the hard work that has gone into making this term a successful one. Welcome again to our new families, our preps have now completed their first term of school and to those of you who joined other year groups, I hope you have felt truly welcomed.


I wish each of you a holy and peace-filled Easter and a restful holiday. I look forward to welcoming all of the children back next term!


Felicity Broughton
