Maria SMITH - Libarian
Nida BALDWIN - Library Assistant
The Premiers' Reading Challenge 2023 is now open!
Why not register online for the VICTORIAN PREMIERS’ READING CHALLENGE and get WILD ABOUT READING! Write a BOOK REVIEW of one of the novels you have read and win a prize and publication in our HSC Newsletter!
The Challenge that started in February 2005 encourages children and students to read a set number of books to enhance their reading skills and overall literacy development. With this year’s theme “wild about reading”, let us hope our young adults get inspired and fall in love with reading!
For important instructions, dates, rules and Challenge book list, please follow these links:
First celebrated in 1999, Harmony Week is a uniquely Australian event celebrating multiculturalism and diversity while promoting unity and inclusivity. Particularly on March 21st, 2023 Harmony Day offered the opportunity to educate everyone on the importance of respecting and valuing other cultures as this day also marked the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
The HSC Library was the chosen venue for the Culture Kahoot and Craft Day organised by the Student Leadership Team led by Kehara D, Reuel F and Alysandra A.
Thank you to our students who also shared their thoughts on the importance of Harmony Day:
“I think Harmony Day is when people around the world can gather and accept different cultures. It is important because it promotes inclusivity and people can learn about one another.” (Thinuli T Y8)
“Harmony Day is a day when Australia celebrates the vast quantity of religious and ethnic groups that make up our society. Its purpose is to eliminate any racial discrimination towards certain ethnic groups. The day is also for groups to celebrate and acknowledge their unique special culture.” (Pearce K Y9)
“I think Harmony Day is a day for diverse cultures of people around the world to be respected and recognised. It is important to learn about other people and to stop discrimination.”(Leo Z Y8)
“Harmony Day is the day all the cultures are known and shown to all. This great day is being celebrated to/for eliminating the racism between cultures which prevents many major fights between countries.” (Pranav S Y9)
“Harmony Day is a day to celebrate all the different cultures we have in Australia. It is important so that we can acknowledge how culturally diverse Australia is and share different traditions and beliefs with others.” (Caitlyn Y Y8)
“Harmony Day is a celebration of our individuality where our uniqueness brings us together.” (Freya H Y9)
“Harmony week is about celebrating and respecting the amazing cultures that make up our country. It is a momentous event that unite people from various backgrounds to celebrate Australia’s multiculturalism.” (Arneiysh KY10) |
Recommended books in our Main collection promoting/celebrating diversity
An exciting announcement from Your Library/Eastern Regional Libraries!
Two Young Adult Book Clubs are opening at the Rowville Library and the Bayswater Library.
YL/ERL invite readers between 12 and 19 years old to create a reading community and build connections while fostering the enjoyment of literature. There will be a special YA event each season starting with Will Kostakis – author of the Monuments series, The Sidekicks and the 2023 novel We Could Be Something.
Bayswater Library (on now!)
Time: 6.00pm
Date: 2nd Thursday of the month
Contact: Jane Ward, Team Leader
Ph: 9800 6498
Rowville Library (commencing 26th of April)
Time: 4.00pm
Date: Last Wednesday of the month
Contact: Kaitlyn Woods, Team Leader
Ph: 9800 6443
The Library Team warmly wishes our Highvale Staff, Parents and Students a positive and relaxing Easter Holiday!