Stars Of The Week

3Rollins PS Stars of the Week are proudly brought to you by Captcha Photobooths. Proud supporters of our Stars of the Week and our Grade 6 Graduation in December.

Stars of the Week - Term 2, Week 2




Prep A


Charlotte PFor an outstanding effort in all areas of the curriculum and being an independent learner. Keep up the fantastic effort Charlotte!

Prep B


Zach EFor always being an amazing role model! You always put your hand up to share ideas, and consistently try your best during all learning activities. Keep up the amazing work, Zach!
Prep CVaan NFor having an amazing start to term 2! You have been engaging in classroom discussions and have been doing a great job with your reading. Keep it up Mr. Vaan!





For showing great ambition in his learning especially in the improvement of his Reading. Keep up the amazing work Seb!
1BLexa EFor her fantastic start to term 2. It has been great to see you trying your best with all tasks and activities. Keep up the great work Lexa!
2ACoa MFor making a wonderful start to Term 2. Keep up the great effort Coa!
2BJaxson SFor always going the extra mile and looking to extend his knowledge in number. Keep striving for greater success Jax!
3/4ALincoln HFor consistently being a kind and caring friend and a fantastic role model for all students. Keep it up Lincoln!



Jayden TFor always being there to support his friends and recognising his potential as a leader.



Connor LFor always leading the way in class discussions and consistently showing 100% effort. Keep it up legend, you are a great role model within 3/4C!
3/4DDexter WFor an excellent start to Term 2. You have been participating enthusiastically in class discussions and you have had an ambitious attitude when completing your work. Well done, Dexter!
3/4EAdara MFor taking risks especially during Maths. Adara has demonstrated she has a growth mindset and is always trying her best! Well done, Adara! 



Braxton PFor a terrific start to Term 2. You are working hard in class and listening to your teachers. Keep it up!
5/6BTahliya SFor displaying excellent determination and communication skills in the classroom. You are such a positive role model for your peers. Keep up the super work Tahliya!
PEXander LFor a wonderful effort during our basketball session. Keep up the great work Xander!
STEMRuby MFor her work on transport from the past, present and future
VISUAL ARTS Kane HFor making a fantastic start on his one point perspective cityscape drawing!