Wise words with...

Mr McLennan | Head of Primary

Community in action

I often have the privilege of talking to visitors about NCS and showing them around the school. On several occasions, people comment on the tidiness of the playground—the reason I enjoy hearing such comments is because of how it reflects on our school community. Clean school grounds involve hundreds of students, each deciding to put their rubbish in the bin multiple times a day. In doing this, each student acts as part of the community, and the goal is to have a tidy playground and clean environment.


One of the core values of NCS is community. The idea of community is that the group is greater than the sum of its parts. Communities form around shared goals. At NCS, parents, teachers and students work together to achieve these goals. There will be many goals along the way, but the overarching goal of the school is to partner with families to equip students for life. 


I remember this well from my first career as a landscaper. In the case of a landscaping job, the goal usually involves creating a beautiful garden to the client's specifications. I learnt that one person could do only so much, but the work was completed more quickly and efficiently when a team was involved. 


Over the last few weeks, various goals have been made and achieved through working as a team (community).


In Primary School, assemblies have been presented by Years 3 and 6. Zoe C. shaved her hair for leukemia research. The community supported her by raising over $1500. Well beyond her initial target


Over this weekend, Year 5 and 6 students walked for the Shoalhaven Relay for Life. So far, they have raised over $6000! Double their original target.


Each week, small communities within our school work towards shared goals. Instrumental groups, school ensembles, and bands are regularly practising in preparation for the Shoalhaven Eisteddfod. Drama groups and recital teams are also working to produce excellent performances. Chess teams are working towards competing in school chess competitions.


Finally, seeing the community come together at this week's cross country was wonderful. It was only possible with a great team effort involving staff and Secondary students working together.



Being a part of a community requires a commitment to shared goals. Ultimately, Jesus calls us to be a community that loves God with all our hearts and loves our neighbour as much as we love ourselves.