Year 5 Update

Welcome to Year 5 with:

Ms Hughes & Mrs Cortina-5A, Ms Upjohn & Ms McKneil -5B, Ms Ewing-5C, Miss Stillitano-5D and Mrs Christofis-5E 

Ms Hughes
Ms Cortina
Ms McKneil
Miss Upjohn
Ms Ewing
Ms Stillitano
Ms Christofis
Ms Hughes
Ms Cortina
Ms McKneil
Miss Upjohn
Ms Ewing
Ms Stillitano
Ms Christofis

Upcoming Learning:

During the next fortnight, students will be undertaking learning in the following areas:

SubjectLearning Focus
ReadingTo use skimming and scanning strategies to locate information in a text.
WritingTo understand and plan a parody to perform at Survivor Day.
MathsTo solve problems using a range of addition strategies.
Inquiry (Health)To work as a team to achieve a common goal. 
Social & Emotional LearningTo communicate and work as a team to solve problems.

Grade 5 Heroes:

Congratulations to our Hillsmeade Heroes for this week:

  • Tanika Ann & Paige  (5A)
  • Rebecca Z & Marcel M (5B)
  • Subeg & Tahlia (5C)
  • Jayden S & Zainab A (5D)
  • Hridaan & Ava P (5E)

News and Reminders:

  • Congratulations to our Grade 5 students for their NAPLAN efforts. Well done on approaching each test with a positive attitude.
  • Survivor Day - Friday 24th March (information was posted to Compass).

NAPLAN preparation 

Angle Work