Organizing Committee

by Brenna Juull, Organizing Chair


We are currently organizing around supporting the sale of the Glider property. Did you know the sale of the Glider property will generate 26 million dollars for our district? If the plan is approved by the City Council, 71 single family homes will be built. This will potentially bring in more families to OGSD and help offset the continuing declining enrollment. 


The money from the sale will…

  • Help prevent staff reductions by maintaining current services, programs, and staff.
  • Help improve curriculum by giving us flexibility to make improvements (math is first on the list!).
  • Sustain the improvements we have already made with the one time COVID funding that is expiring soon. 
  • Keep our district’s budget positive. 
  • Generate hundreds of thousands in interest that will go directly into our district’s general fund.
  • Give us some room to negotiate at the negotiations table!