Principal's Report

From the Principal's Desk

Welcome to the new format for our newsletter – an exciting innovation for our school. We’re hoping it provides easy access to information about our school in an interactive manner, as well as being visually appealing with the photos in a digital format, whether they are on your computer, ipad or phone. Hard copies of the newsletter are still accessible for those who wish to receive it that way, however the electronic version is far more engaging.


Our building project continues to progress and has gained momentum as we rapidly draw closer to a finish. It still looks like there is a quite a bit to be done but in the scheme of the overall project we are close to around 90% completion. We will be ready to move into our newest building next week – a significant step. We have the sports courts and a good deal of landscaping to be done in order to create outdoor spaces. I’m sure our students will really welcome the recreational areas, as they have been existing with limited outside possibilities at recess and lunchtime – a credit to them as they have handled it well to date.


We have a student free Curriculum Day on this Friday March 8th and this will assist us in getting ready for teaching in our new spaces across the school. We are also entertaining the idea of having a family evening with a BBQ early next term to give parents and community members the opportunity to have a look at the changes and improvements. Until then, we’ll watch the building project continue with its exciting progress.