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What young people want you to know about flexible work
This article discusses how research is showing that that young people are struggling to make up the 35+ hours a week equal to a full-time workload by the age of 25.
The studies are finding that those who are able to successfully secure full-time hours are often managing multiple jobs including casual, part-time, and freelance work.
You can't study chemistry' and other barriers faced by women from non-English speaking backgrounds
"I have walked that road, navigating the system as a woman of colour, overcoming issues like racism and lack of opportunities, and I have gone on to find my voice."
Letter to a Confused, Pre-Adult Me
Do you ever wish you could have given yourself the heads up about what was to come in life? Here's the advice Katherine has for her younger self.
How the Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme Affects Youth Services
The Portable Long Service Benefits Scheme has been established to ensure that workers in the community sector still receive long service entitlements when they change jobs but remain in the community sector.
Psychological distress continues to rise in young Australians
Young people are increasingly experiencing psychological distress, with one in four now reporting they struggle with their mental health.
Growing Out Of The Views You Were Brought Up With
'Do you know what it’s like to reveal yourself as someone with different ideas to the people who raised you? Lizzie does, and it hasn’t been easy. Here’s how Lizzie and five other young people have found this revelation.'
Don’t stress, your ATAR isn’t the final call. There are many ways to get into university
'In a recent nation-wide survey by online tutoring company Cluey Learning, 75% of Australian senior students said their ATAR score would impact on the rest of their life. And more than 80% said a score under 60 would be detrimental to their life.'
New vision for school system means students wouldn't need to choose between theory and skills
'Education Professor Geoff Masters believes students shouldn't have to choose between theory and skills. In his vision for the NSW education system, released on Tuesday after months of consultation, he also argued they shouldn't have to decide whether to aim for university by year 10, or have their final years at school hijacked by obsession with a final exam and a single university entry score.'