Upper Ferntree Gully Awards

Student of the week

F/1 W  Benji - for showing great resilience during your start to foundation! Keep up the great work!

1/2 D  Connor - for your excellent start to the year! Keep it up!

2/3 C  Elijah - for starting the year with a positive attitude and showing respect to others.

4/5 H  Will Mu - for always being helpful and staying on task.

5/6 P  Charlotte - for settling in nicely to the school year and practicing the school values.

Maths Awards

F/1 W  Xavier - for your excellent concentration while counting small collections! Well done!

1/2 D  Jacob - for trying your best during Maths! You have done a great job!

2/3 C  Flint - for his excellent concentration during Maths sessions last week.

4/5 H  Connor - for being involved in class discussions and having a strong love of Maths.  

5/6 P  Callum - for thinking about your strategies during Maths games.

Writing Awards

F/1 W  Ivy - for your great contributions to class discussions while learning about the letter 'B'.

1/2 D  Benya - for being a fantastic independent writer!

2/3 C  Amalia - for writing meaningful connections to the texts she is reading.

4/5 H Jayden - for writing an amazingly creative narrative.

5/6 P  Alec - for thinking about and doing fantastic planning for a new narrative piece.