Principal's Report

Start of the Year
We have had an amazing start to the year. The students have come back settled and ready to learn. It is great to see how much they have all grown and to hear about all of their adventures over the holidays.
We always start term 1 with the setting up of our school expectations. We talk about our values and explicitly teach them across the term and the year. This is an important part of being a School Wide Positive Behaviour School. We look at the best ways to learn, play and have fun together as a school.
This year we are also continuing to reinforce the STOP, WALK and TALK approach to playground incidents. If you don't like what is happening say STOP, WALK away and TALK to a teacher. Ideally students wouldn't have to do this however we know that we can only control our own behaviour and not the behaviour of others.
Ready to Learn
There are a few changes to routines this year and we have been having big talks about what we need to do to be organised and ready to learn.
The music now goes at 8:50am however the actual school day starts at 9am. This is to let student sknow that iyt is time to come in and read. We found the bell at 9 works perfectly as they can stay in their seats and are not distracted by the music.
Students have a few things they need to bring to be ready to learn:
- Water bottles
- Brain Food - Fruit or vegetables for 10am
- Book Bags on a Monday
- Hats
- Sunscreen in a roller for face
- Lunchboxes with nude food and healthy snacks
Teachers have been talking to the students about being independent and doing what they can do and helping out at home to be ready for school and learning.
Family Night
Just a reminder that February the 28th is Family night. We are hoping for good weather as we will be visiting the outdoor cinema and watching 'Sonic the Hedgehog' Please RSVP to the school email address so we can get an idea of numbers as it only holds a certain amount of people.
Bunnings BBQ
Please email the school if you can help out at the Bunnings BBQ on March 29th. Anytime from 8am to 5:30pm and even if its half an hour we'd love the help. This is a great fundraiser for our school. We are eacger to replace the basketball backboards into ones that are more weather resistant.
Multipurpose Room
Our Multipurpose room has had a fabulous refersh. It has been painted and the floor polished to bring it up to a great standard. It looks great and it is wonderful that we were able to receive funds from the Victoria School Building Authority to achieve this long term goal.
A reminder that we hold our whole school assemblies on Mondays at 2:45pm usually in the multipurpose room. If you get the chance please come along.
Our school newsletter will be published each fortnight. Most of our communication is now through COMPASS. The weekly awards will go up on the COMPASS news feed the week before they are presented at assembly.
Have a great week everyone.