cutting it fine...

Alison Sanza

SRC Coordinator

Student Leadership

Student Voice


Brunswick Secondary College stepped up this year in supporting the 20th anniversary of the Worlds Greatest Shave, raising funds for blood cancer research.


Many community members (buth students and staff) put their hair on the line to raise money for this very worthy cause - joining thousands of others across Australia. Some had their locks shaved, others coloured their hair - all were cheered on by a noisy and enthusiastic crowd.


Organised by SRC Captains, this event was kindly sponsored by SAKS Hairdressing, Coburg. 

Many thanks to all those who participated in the World’s Greatest Shave – those who had their hair shaved, those who had their hair coloured, those who donated and all those who were onlookers supporting the participants.


Sincere thanks to:

  • Ebru Sak of SAKS Hairdressing, 375 Moreland Road, Coburg, for skilfully shaving participants’ hair
  • SRC members and particularly the SRC Captains (Antonio Cowell and Isabel Weaver) and the SRC Chairperson (Eric Seychell) for their meticulous planning and communication.
  • Scott Bell for the set-up of the area

We are proud to announce that our current total stands at over $1800 - but it's not too late to support BSC.   If you would like to contribute, donations can still be lodged. Please visit our fundraising page - just click HERE.  

Cameron Cassidy -Rickard

Year 12

Performing Arts Captain

Hosting the 'The World's Greatest Shave' at BSC was fabulous. To start the event, ever enthusiastic School Captain Antonio had his head shaved to support for the cause of research into Blood Cancer and Leukaemia.

It was an exciting display as students and teachers lined up to shave or colour their hair to great applause. Amidst the vibrant red and blue hairspray, Mr Roach arrived to have his infamous beard shaved off.

In a stupendous effort BSC raised a lot of money - an effort to be praised!

Isabel Weaver

School Captain


We raised a spectacular amount of money for this great cause! BSC had an overwhelming amount of participants (both staff and students) and the bravery shown by participants is admirable.

Perhaps even more importantly, the school's 'vibe' on the day was so good - full of excitement and pride in the community effort. 

I am also very proud of the teamwork and cooperation of the Captains that made this event possible.

Antonio C
Antonio C

Antonio Cowell

School Captain

This event shows what can happen when the community pull together!  I am very excited as I think that the BSC Worlds Greatest Shave will be even bigger and better next year. It will be great to  see some events like this become regular highlights on the calendar - and who knows how much money we will raise next year?

The WGS team!

Isabel W
Antonio C
Cameron C
Ella C
Tim F
Ellie C
Peter B
Eric S
Saks Hairdressing
Ebru Sak (Parent Volunteer)
Alison Sanza
Isabel W
Antonio C
Cameron C
Ella C
Tim F
Ellie C
Peter B
Eric S
Saks Hairdressing
Ebru Sak (Parent Volunteer)
Alison Sanza