year 10 work experience



Laura Hughes

Careers Counsellor


What do you want to do when you leave school?

That is a BIG question.  

Some decide early on what it is they want to pursue in their working life while for others, experience and research are the keys to identifying a career path.   


The senior years of secondary education require that students narrow their focus to subjects that will support further tertiary study or workforce positions and it is important that students take some time to focus on what they really want to get out of their working life.  This is where the Year 10 Work Experience Week can be so important for students - it gives them a chance to 'try out' an industry, to gain insight into a potential career and to talk to people who are are hands-on in a particular vocation.  Gathering information via work placement means that they can make better and more considered decisions around their learning pathways and subject choices, so at BSC we like to see every student make the very most of their Work Experience week.


Early in Term 2, our Year 10 students travelled out to their respective work placements across a huge range of industries - from education and construction to health and engineering.  Teachers visited or telephoned students while they were on placement and used the opportunity to gather feedback from  both students and employers about their experience.

Mark Haebich

Teacher - Outdoor Education

I really enjoyed visiting students on their work placements.  It was marvellous to see them 'beyond Brunswick' -  putting their best foot forward and making every effort to get the most out of the opportunity.    Evie, Alessandro and Vy were very keen to tell me what they had been up to and to discuss their experience of being 'out in the world'.  They  introduced me to workmates and gave me a tour of their workplace too.  I thought that they showed great maturity and a commitment to learning as much as they could from the experts around them.


The staff at Walter and Eliza  Hall Institute, RRR and  CK Architects welcomed Evie,  Alessandro and Vy and were very helpful in making accommodations for them.  Their supervisors made sure that the students were busy and that the time spent at the work experience placement was both meaningful and rewarding for them.  


We take this opportunity to thank all the employers for generously donating their time and resources in order to support our students as they investigate career options.


Click on the photo galleries to enlarge the pictures.


Vy Vu  is very interested in pursuing architecture as a career and did exceptionally well at her work placement.  Vy's  project for the week was to sketch out a floor-plan for a design brief, draw her plan using Auto CAD software and then again using the 3D software, Revit.

Vy had completed her project by Tuesday afternoon - impressing her supervisor, James, with her ability to grasp complex concepts and quickly learn new things. James was so impressed he planned to introduce her another software program and asked her to provide responses to other design briefs that the firm had to cover.


Vy V
Vy V

Vy Vu

Architect - CK Architects

I got to design a building in a 3D program – it was really cool! Being in the workplace was very different from being in school – I could see drawings on every computer around me and everyone was working on interesting projects. I think, to have  a great work experience week [you should] pick an industry you really like the sound of and that will make it meaningful for you.


Alessandro De Francesco was loving his time at RRR. His project was to work collaboratively with another student on work experience from another school.  The students had to produce and record a 45 minute show by the end of the week. The boys were busy hunting through the CD library, researching their playlists and preparing their back announcement spiels. Alessandro has a strong interest in being involved in radio as a side project in the future.


Alessandro D
Alessandro D

Alessandro De Francesco

Radio Production - TripleR

It was fun to be in a new environment and meeting new people – the workplace was great. My tip for students doing work experience next year would be keep an open mind, be willing to learn new things and you’ll get the best out of your placement.

Medical Research


I visited Evie Lockhart who was working at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute . 

Evie was working on a mini genetics project -  comparing genes known to cause Parkinsons Disease with other genes suspected of having a link to the disease. Evie worked on coding,  had the chance to read up on scholarly articles and compared the maps/sequences of genes. She also searched out podcasts  for information on the effects of Parkinson's Disease from the points of view of sufferers.

Evie Lockhart

Medical Researcher - Walter and Eliza Hall institute

Work experience was really interesting – I loved learning about coding. Everyone I worked with was friendly and it felt really valuable to learn new skills ‘on the job’.